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  3. Playtest organisation

Playtest organisation

Over 9,000 of you signed up for the game's upcoming beta test!!! ːsteamhappyː

To give you an idea of what this means for us, you should know that there were 700 registrations during the previous playtest...

As I said earlier, we need to think about how to put in place a structure capable of responding to such potential returns. We're working with our partners to seriously beef up our QA team.

We promised everyone the chance to test the game, and we'll keep our promise.

Initially, we'll probably open up the playtest to 1,000 or 2,000 players to check that there are no blocking bugs over a period of 2 or 3 days. Then we'll give access to the rest of the players once the checks and corrections have been made.

It's important to know that the system set up by Steam does not allow us to select players by name. The only sorting system available to us is the country of registration. So don't hold it against us if you don't get picked in the first wave, we're not responsible for that.

Thank you again for your interest in Mémoriapolis.

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