1. Button Pop
  2. News
  3. Button Pop Demo is Live! | Developer AMA

Button Pop Demo is Live! | Developer AMA

Make ready for the oncoming hordes of angry buttons!

The Button Pop Demo is live! Come and join the solo indie developer as they
stream a playthough and answer your Popping questions.

We will be talking about the latest updates and features currently being developed.
Additionally, the launch content including levels, biomes and customisation will be dissussed.

The Button Pop is a mix of a Tower Defence and a Button Masher
game where you are a gaint Button trying to defend itself from the evil Button empire!

Defend yourself by building a variety of turrets and construct generators
to produce energy and coin.
Go on an adventure across a multitude of biomes collecting riches along
the way!

Wishlist to show support and check out our youtube channel for more info!

