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  3. Hordes of Monsters!

Hordes of Monsters!

For the whole last month I worked on refactoring code and performance optimization.

While not as interesting as new content, the results are crazy:

  • Monster performance is 300% better! A screen full of monsters ran at unstable 20FPS before. Now it runs stable at over 60FPS.
  • Projectiles were also improved. Before each behavior of a projectile was a component with a lot of overhead, now they are all just part of one component that handles them.
  • Creating and destroying things takes a lot of time. So now all monsters, projectiles and effects are kept in memory and get reused instead. That makes the game more stable.

That all is not only very cool for the future, but its also important now. When I plan the balance and design the endgame I don't have to hold back.

- Feryaz


Steam Demo Build 104

- Greatly improved monster performance (~300%)
- Reworked how projectiles are build to increase performance
- Projectiles, objects and monsters are kept in memory and get reused
- Optimized multiple animations to reduce filesize and memory usage
- Status effect pools are created dynamically on need
- Removed a lot of garbage creation
- Switched to a tweening library without garbage allocation
- Improved pathing performance
- Paths and free deposit spots get cached

- Roads can be built while paused
- Zoom level affects how far sounds can be heard
- Mio runs faster after being pet
- Reduced how fast animals run after getting hit

- Reworked Lizard

- Fixed status immunities
- Fixed heroes being transparent at wrong times
- Fixed Dryad's secondary applying every 0.5s