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  3. The Cutting Edge | DevLog #1/2024

The Cutting Edge | DevLog #1/2024

Welcome, swordsmith, to our new official Bladesong developer log The Cutting Edge! With this format, we will give you all the red-hot details of what we're forging in the SUN AND SERPENT headquarters. Let's take a look!

Thumbnails and Engravings

If you took part in the the first Bladesong playtest, you will remember the bland list that was our sword part library. Well, no more! We recently revamped it to show nice thumbnail images instead:

The recently added engravings are now displayed with thumbnail images as well. We also took some time to refactor the underlying architecture of how our engravings are set up in engine. Adding new engravings is now a much quicker process for us devs, so we can add entire alphabets like the Elder Futhark:

In addition, this brings us one step closer to a feature we would like to implement at some point: assignable engraving materials. Instead of an engraving being inherently gold-plated, you would place a vanilla engraving first, and then assign a material in a second step – gold-plated, blood-of-my-enemies crimson, blue glow of magick, you name it. To be implemented at some point in the future.

What's more

To tell the story of Eren Keep, we are working with a host of fantastic artists – we will introduce them to you when the time comes. For now, this means that we need to work out the details of relevant locations, bring them to life in our heads and put it all into words, sketches or whatever shape helps communicate the ideas to the artists working out the visuals. Watch this space for more sneak peeks at illustrations, concept art and the occasional WIP sketch.

[h2]Steam Page Updates[/h2]
Our Steam page still looked pretty empty. Considering that it’s the landing page and first source of information on Bladesong for many, it was time to give it some polish! Have a look and if you haven't wishlisted Bladesong yet, make sure you do to fuel the team's motivation!

That's it for today. Stay sharp!
– David and the Bladesong team ⚔️