1. Bullet Bunny
  2. News
  3. Bullet Bunny "Overhaul" Update is out now!

Bullet Bunny "Overhaul" Update is out now!

[h3]New Hero Called K.Rot7 (Kind of like carrot?)[/h3]
K.Rot7 is a cute little robot bunny that is very unique compared to the other heroes. K.Rot7 starts with 15 HP and 40 Shield Points as well as a little drone friend. Stay close to your drone as your shield regenerates even quicker! Depending on it's current shield level, K.Rot7's super will either instantly regenerate shield points or switch the drone to attack mode.

[h3]New Hero passives (Unlockable through special hero challenges)[/h3]
Pulse - Gain a DMG buff equivalent to your armor after healing more than 5 hp
Bones - When doggos explode heal 1 hp
Porter - +10% Dodge, successful dodges against projectiles trigger an additional 15% bonus for 10(s)
Mag - 10% to gain an XP when criting
Mo - Gain a speed buff when below half ammo
Payne - Blood DMG drains slower
Haze - Poisons drain quicker
Nikki - Gain 2 DMG per turret in radius (this was remove from Nozia)
Rooty - Gain ammo while stationary
Blink - 25% to gain a super when using your super
K.rot7 - +10% Speed, +10% Dodge, +10 Shield Points

[h3]3 New gun perks for each gun (Unlockable through special gun challenges)[/h3]
These range from DMG buffs to unique things like Nozia leaving a trail of poison patches, chance to summon extra doggos, mega poison explosions, & more!

[h3]3 New Powerups![/h3]
Although powerups were not the focused on this update I couldn't resist adding these game changers!
Poison Bullets (Bullets fired from gun now poison targets) - The goal is to make poison builds less restrictive
Rooted Bones (Summon 4 doggos when stationary for 5(s) - This really gives Rooted (stationary) Builds a big buff!
Critical Blood (Gain 5% blood every critical hit) - Pain + Crit = Mad damage!

[h3]New UI Interface in the HUB[/h3]
Complete overhaul to make it easier to navigate (see below). A lot of the negative feedback was regarding the clunky HUB and UI, this should address all that and more!

[h3]And More![/h3]
New Currencies/loot used to purchase/unlock things. Brain Chunk, Collector trinket, and Phantoms Remnant, dropped by bosses. This completely changes the progression system and makes this much more interesting.
New Trader in the HUB. Trader your loot to obtain other loot.
Modes now need to be unlocked, again this makes things much more interesting and exciting!
Poisons do not instantly trigger now. With the new powerup this was necessary and lines up with how most games work.
Manual Reload has been added (R, Triangle, Y on controller)

Thank you so much for reading Pen