1. Last Train Outta' Wormtown
  2. News
  3. 1 Year Anniversary + Steam Daily Deal!

1 Year Anniversary + Steam Daily Deal!


Today is the 1 year anniversary of Wormtown launching in Early Access - and booooy has it been a crazy year! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has played, streamed, made/shared content, for the game and all the rest of the overwhelming support over the past year of development. So much has changed and I've been able to add way more content and features to the game than I ever imagined. THANK YOU!

To help celebrate Wormtown's birthday, the game is currently featured as a Steam Daily Deal! From April 20th - April 27th, Wormtown will be 30% off - so it's a great time to pick up the game or gift it to a friend!

And for those curious about what's next for Wormtown, I'm currently working on player progression, challenges, unlocks, and Steam achievements - so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks.

Thanks again for all the wild support this last year! It's been a blast!

Stay safe out there, Pardners