1. The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
  2. News
  3. Progress Report #5

Progress Report #5

[h2]Kit9 Studio - Progress Report[/h2]

[h3]Work Continues[/h3]

The editor limitations mentioned in the last report are mostly under control.

Changes in workflow still haven't been observed long enough to know how much of a delay there will be in the remaining work.

[h3]Tool Work[/h3]

This month's technical work will be focused on developer tools. Adding enhancements to the new editing tool is the main priority, as some features can make up for lost time. Once its stable and provides all the requirements, work will shift back to finishing the new translation tool.

[h3]Episode 3 Preview Clip[/h3]

[h3]Relevant Links[/h3]