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  3. Beta fun! We asked Aimon to rate your creations!

Beta fun! We asked Aimon to rate your creations!

Welcome to another update, and this time I thought rather than dive into what we've been up to, we'd focus on what you've been up to!


Upcycling was the big new feature for the Beta, and ya'll have been sharing your creations in our discord.

I thought I'd ask Aimon - as the local expert in priceless antiques - what they think of your creations...

First up, we have "Sword" from Brightspark

"I'm not sure where to hold it, let alone how to swing it. I give it 5 Goblins out of 11" - Aimon

Oh. Sorry, Brightspark. I'm not sure if Aimon is a weapons expert or not... nor what kind of grading system that is?! Well, next up we have two creations from Kyhas; "Mana Potion" and "Eight Pieces"

"A snazzy hat and a deep purple glazed earthenware pot. A delightful combination of attire and practicality! What's not to love? 9.5 Goblins out of 3" - Aimon

"Complex. Intriguing. Impossible? 1 Goblin out of 0" - Aimon

Hmm, perhaps Aimon is more interested in aesthetics than I thought... well, next up is MadKingMura's "Monstrosity"

"Aptly titled. 10 Goblins out of 10. So that's 19.5 Goblins out of 13 in total." - Aimon

Whoa! I think that was a compliment, but then Aimon has always been a little hard to read. they get very passionate about antiques. I'm beginning to wonder if this was a good idea... I like the Tiara and adornment on the Egg!

Anyway, let's see how Izzi's "Untitled" goes down

"This searingly powerful indictment of the imbalance between the natural world and our ability to care for it - or our future - has me stunned. The use of bone as part of the surrogate floral arrangement atop this recycled bottle-cum-vase is particularly effective. 90 Goblins out of 1" - Aimon

OH. I um... well now... that is certainly one reading of it, Aimon. And finally here's InBetweenHonor's "Witch On Her Broomstick"

"It makes me laugh. How much do you want for it? I'll bet it would go for a song! 1 Goblin out of 2" - Aimon

Er so I think what we've learned from that is Aimon likes the wizard hat and the occasional pun. And unintelligible scoring systems. Thanks, Aimon? And a huge thanks to everyone who shared their madcap creations with us! I give you, er, 10 Goblins out of 10?


For those of you who want to see what others have been doing with the Beta, or indeed if you missed out and want to cater to your FOMO with moving images then these links down here are where you need to be clicking!

[h3]Magickalhack rinsed the Beta:

[h3]Brightspark streamed the whole thing too:[/h3]


[h3]Sir Cabbage rummaged through all the trash:[/h3]


[h3]And NaterEST went to town on those Trinkets![/h3]


[h2]THE END[/h2]

We're over the moon watching all of this and more, the feedback has been amazing (and amazingly useful) and we cannot wait to bring a new build to you just as soon as we are able!

Meanwhile please do join in on the discord - there's tons of you who still haven't claimed your role there! - and if you want in on the Beta, head over to our Patreon to support us and get access that way.

Until next time, stay Goblin!