1. Azoove
  2. News
  3. Minor patch 0.7.5 - Quality of life

Minor patch 0.7.5 - Quality of life

[h3]This patch has a few minor changes to improve some quality of life:[/h3]

- When Opportunities resolve, both opportunities are shown in parallel and linger longer for better clarity
- AI will no longer use ration decreasing Opportunities when at 0 rations, potentially ending a run
- Fixed raycast issue making some areas of cards not clickable

- Spite 4: Fear of Starvation no longer adds a despair on the last day, preventing a feel-bad moment of getting a rest day from having low rations despite having enough to reach Miz'rak

- Hearts pulse when low health heartbeat sound is played
- Tendrils indicating rest days pulse when about to rest
- Sorting order of one of the food crates fixed to be inside the cart

The next patch should include some balance tweaks, if you have any balance input let us know on the Discord

[h2]Thank you all for playing![/h2]