Herro, it is I Tyrone. As promised, the new Repentance+ free DLC update is here, today, now! You’ll need all the previous DLC to run it.
This is a full-featured release, but we’re calling it a Beta still, because we’re still looking to refine things and squash any remaining bugs. You can do your part to help us by reporting any bugs, desyncs or crashes to [email protected] with the subject line #Repentance+Beta v1.9.7.4

Please Include the version number in the subject line and be as detailed as possible when describing the issue. An example of a bad bug report would be “I crashed when fighting Monstro.” A much more useful explanation for the devs would be “In an online match with 3 players, I crashed when I used Crack the Sky during the Monstro fight.” Include the seed if possible and your crash log that can be found here: Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance+\crash_dumps. This helps us greatly in focusing on the issue at hand and getting it resolved quickly.
If you played the Isaac Online Alpha back in January, you already know how some of the online stuff works. But a lot more features have been added since then, including support for all game modes, lots of filtering options (when creating or searching for an online match) and a new emote wheel (press the left Alt key or click the Right Stick on a controller to access it). We even added separate “group” leaderboards for online Daily Runs.
And that ain’t all. Look for lots of balancing adjustments and item upgrades—all buffs!—that’ll turn some of your least favorite items into some of your new favorites. Details in the changelog below. Also, some Commonly Asked Questions below (Edmund calls them CAQ, rhymes Ipecac!)
We’re going to have lots of fun playing Isaac online together. See you in the basement!

A: What you do online is between you and your webcam. But as it related to Isaac, you can play Normal, Hard, Greed, Greedier or Challenges as well as Daily Runs and seeded runs with up to three friends or with strangers.
Q: Can I earn achievements in online play?
A: Yes! All unlocks that can be earned in solo play can also be earned online. Be aware that you’ll have to be in a match from the beginning in order to be eligible for unlocks; joining a run in progress does not allow achievements to be unlocked.
Q: Are there things in online play that don’t appear in solo play?
A: Online play has a few differences from solo play. Defeated bosses will drop an item for each player in the match. If a match is joined in progress, the new player will be granted several items to catch them up based on how far along the run is. Players can spend coins at the revive machine in the starting room of each floor to bring back dead players. Be warned, however, that the cost goes up each time the machine is used. Defeating a boss at the end of the stage will also revive any dead players. There might be some other special things to discover online as well!
Q: Do I need the online achievements to unlock Dead God?
A: If you have not yet completed your Dead God file, you will need the online achievements in order to get it. If you already have Dead God, you will not need the online achievements in order to keep it.
Q: Can I play with mods online?
A: No, all mods must be disabled and the game restarted in order to play online.
Q: Where are my mods?
A: Repentance+ has its own mods folder located here: C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance+\mods however, it is empty. Mod creators will need to update their mods for compatibility. If you copy Repentance or AB+ mods into this folder, you DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK as things are likely to break.
Q: Did anything change in solo play?
A: Yes! There are many item improvements and reworks to experiment with, and many fixes and quality-of-life adjustments made to both solo and online play.
Q: What if I desync or find a bug?
A: If you encounter any issues, please submit a report! Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line: #Repentance+Beta v1.9.7.4 (or newer if you are on a more current version)
Be as detailed as possible in your report, including what occurred and when, a seed, what items players had and any relevant files.
Zip the desync log found here:
Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance+\online_logs
Crashes should generate two files, a .txt file and and .dmp file. They are located here:
Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Repentance+\crash_dumps

Item Changes:
Tammy’s Head - Reduced the duration of the animation when using Tammy’s Head, allowing Isaac to fire more quickly after use.
Lemon Mishap - Slightly increased the size of the puddle. Also, the puddle will now persist until Isaac exits the room.
Mega Bean - Creates a catastrophic fart that sweeps the entire room.
Milk! - The familiar now follows closely behind Isaac and blocks shots. After 10 hits, the glass will break and give Isaac a Tears upgrade for the remainder of the floor.
Delirious - Summoned bosses will now persist through rooms. Only one boss can be active at a time. The charge is now variable, based on the quality of the previously summoned boss.
Jar of Wisps - Reduced to a 6-room charge, allowing the wisps to stack up to the maximum number more quickly.
Abyss - Item quality now impacts the damage of the summoned locust. Locusts now inherit many different effects based on the item destroyed by Abyss.
Flip - Charge has been reduced to 4 rooms for Tainted Lazarus only.
Portable Slot - Removed from the Shop pool. Added as a possible reward from slot machines.
Void - Charge has been reduced from 6 rooms to 4.
Epiphora - The Tears upgrade from firing in a single direction is now a smooth increase, instead of being staggered every few seconds.
God’s Flesh - Doubled the chance of shrink tears firing. Shrunken enemies now briefly flash white before growing back to full size. Enemies that explode, fire shots or summon minions on death can no longer hurt Isaac if they’re killed while shrunken.
Hushy - While held in place, Hushy now fires radial bursts of shots.
It Hurts - After taking damage, Isaac’s tears will now leave behind small pools of blood creep for the room.
Mars - In addition to being invulnerable when charging, Isaac will gain a 1-second bubble of invulnerability after the charge. Hitting obstacles also causes a knockback effect to clear any threats from the surrounding area.
Evil Charm - Isaac now gains immunity to spider-web slowdown, flame attacks, fireplaces and poison mushrooms. Isaac can also stand in enemy creep for 1 second before taking damage.
Vasculitis - Friendly radial shots fired after killing an enemy will now appear as blood clots to more easily distinguish them.
Lil’ Portal - Has been completely reworked. Double-tapping a fire button is now required to launch Lil’ Portal. After it has consumed enough items and the room is clear, a single portal will spawn and the familiar will now disappear for the remainder of the floor. Entering this portal now takes Isaac to a room where he can pick up or drop off items. This room persists throughout the rest of the current run.
Linger Bean - The fart cloud is now deployed after 4 seconds of continuous fire (instead of 7 seconds). The cloud starts small and potent, and will grow and deal reduced damage over the course of 10 seconds.
Jupiter - Now heals 2 red hearts instead of just ½.
Butter Bean - Recharge time has been reduced from 3 seconds to 2.
The Bean - Can now be re-used after a 4-second cooldown (instead of a room charge).
Kidney Bean - Can now be re-used after a 4-second cooldown (instead of a room charge).
Dead Bird - Will remain active between rooms as long as the player is at ½ heart. (Note: Eve requires 1 full heart.)
Data Miner - Using Data Miner in a room with an item pedestal will now reroll it into a glitched item.
Bomb rocks can now create bridges across chasms.
Fixed a bug where Technology 2 and Mom’s Eye could cause backward-firing shots to do excessive damage.
Fixed an issue with the D4 unintentionally being able to force all items in a particular pool to reroll.
Parasitoid egg sacs can now be created from Technology shots and Brimstone beams.
When picking up cards/pills/runes with tainted characters who carry eternal items, the consumable is now placed behind the item and can be manually selected, avoiding unintentional uses.
The Tick trinket can now be removed by picking up the Lighter trinket.
The 404 Error trinket now shows which trinket it is emulating.
The Short Fuse trinket now makes Bombs deal 15% more damage.
The number of hits required to make the Tonsil trinket create a familiar has been reduced from 12-20 to 6-12.
Increased the chances of the Wish Bone and Bag Lunch trinkets spawning an item.
Lil Delirium now contributes to the Conjoined transformation.
Once it’s been unlocked, the Void portal is now guaranteed after defeating The Lamb, ??? and Mega Satan.
Added several new Eden hairstyles.
Fixed Hush attacking more aggressively than intended when below 50% HP.
Fixed Pay to Play challenge incorrectly requiring Mr. Mega to be unlocked.
Removed E. Coli from Scat Man challenge, as it made the player virtually invincible.
Fixed enemy tear projectiles not having the same collision size as blood projectiles.
Fixed being able to reroll some enemies that shouldn't be rerollable (i.e. Eternal Flies, evolved Blood Puppies and Rag Mega's purple light beam attack)
Reverted Flesh Death Head's base HP from 30 back to its original value of 50.
Increased the shadow size of Ultra Greed's coins to make them easier to see when falling.
Ultra Greed's coins can now be devolved into coin pickups using the D10.
Stone Eyes now do a full turn before they start firing their laser. (This prevents some unfair damage scenarios when entering a room from the bottom door.)
Fixed Shell Games showing an outdated sprite when the prize is Skatole.
Added Skeleton Key, Best Bud, Angry Fly and Sharp Key to the Key Beggar's prize pool.
Fixed several items that were missing from Greed Mode's item pools.
Added several baby familiars to the Baby Shop pool which were previously missing, and removed Sacrificial Dagger from the Baby Shop pool.
Fixed Guppy transformation not granting flight when obtained from Kid's Drawing.
Fixed Candy Heart and Soul Locket not updating stats when dropped and picked back up.
Adjusted the price of several items in the Stairway shop.
Lowered the devil price of Ocular Rift.
Lowered the shop price of D12 and Pause in Greed Mode.
Fixed D Infinity displaying the wrong number of charges when first picked up.
Fixed Death's List, Sanguine Bond and Member Card not working with Tainted Lazarus when held by his inactive form.
Made Goat Head, D7, Poke Go, Child's Heart, Mom's Pearl, Black Lipstick and Bible Tract unobtainable in Greed Mode.
Made the Amnesia and ??? pills unobtainable in Greed Mode.
Fixed Bird's Eye, Cube Baby, Poke Go and Blood Puppy not being summonable by Lemegeton.
Fixed several familiars not being summonable by Monster Manual.
Lowered the mimic charge of Soul of Judas from 3 to 2.
Lowered the mimic charge of Hematemesis from 6 to 4.
Increased the mimic charge of The Tower? from 3 to 4.
Increased the health and damage of wisps spawned when using Mega Blast and Delirious with the Book of Virtues.
Made adjustments to several unfair rooms, oddly configured rooms that would very rarely spawn, and added several new rooms.
Added a SMALL amount of boss armor to ???, The Lamb and Mother.
Why are you still reading? Go play with yourself and/or your friends :)