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  2. News
  3. Animals pt.1

Animals pt.1

Hello Animal Lovers! 👋

Before we dig into the actual devlog, we need to inform you that today’s topic- the in-game animals will be split into two parts because of the sheer amount of information we’d like to cover. 📝

Today, we’ll talk about what animals will make their appearance in Animal Shelter 2, what are the ways of acquiring them to your shelter, their preferences and adoption. In part 2, likely in 1 to 3 months time, we’ll tell you more about their health, possible health issues, means of treatment and what impact on animals and their future owners chronic diseases will have. 🤯 As you can see, there’s a lot to talk about so without further ado, let’s dig into it! 🤩

For quite some time you’ve been expressing just how much you want to have not only the cute, lively puppies and kittens 🐈 as alternative to the adult animals but also older, calmer senior animals. Today we’re happy to officially confirm- in Animal Shelter 2 there will be animals of all ages! 🔥

[h3]Animals in your shelter 🐶[/h3]
As we’ve already mentioned, there are multiple ways the animals can arrive in your shelters. Recently, we’ve described the most common one- sending a rescue car via your tablet. This is the mechanic that players who took part in the Playtest are familiar with. 🙂 Another way is to carry out an intervention. There are multiple different causes for an intervention like for example a kitten stuck in some place like a drain.

Once the animal arrives at your shelter it will require their own private space. Just as it happens in Animal Shelter 1, the animals are hungry and thirsty after arrival so don’t forget to show them some love and feed them well. Some belly scratches afterwards wouldn’t go unnoticed as well. ❤️‍

At this point, there are some additional activities which would be reasonable to do as soon as possible. One of those is taking a blood sample for a check up. After all, a neglected animal is likely to have a disease of some sort and it’s only for the best when it receives the medical attention it needs as soon as possible. 👍

[h3]Every animal which lives in your shelter, whether it’s an energetic youngster, adult or senior, will have their preferences in many aspects such as favorite toy, the best petting spot or food. 🥫[/h3]
By following those preferences you’ll receive bonus points to the animal's respective status meters. For example, playing with a doggo using its favorite toy will make its fun status rise quicker. 🐕 And while ignoring this little piece of information while playing does not bring any negative consequences,

it’s very important to keep a close track of all the animals’ feeding preferences because feeding an animal food other than the preferred one may lead to some diseases- usually because of their food allergies. 😿

[h3]Adoption 👱[/h3]
As you might have already guessed, the chance for an animal to get adopted quickly will be impacted by various factors. The most important one being the age. Usually kittens and puppies will be able to find new homes much quicker than the senior animals, who’ll need more time before finding their new carrying owners.

Another important factor altering the chances of adoption are the chronic diseases but if you’re interested in this topic you’ll have to look forward to part 2 because this is the end of today’s devlog.

Before you go, make sure to leave us a comment to let us know if you like the showcased content. We read all of your feedback and your voice is really important to us. 💬

We also encourage you to join our discord 👇 and add the game to your Steam wishlists to not miss out on any information about the game!


See you soon,
Animal Shelter 2 Team