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Hero Siege News

Patch 6.2.5

Patch Notes for update 6.2.5

* Fixed Moonstone Gems socketed to second loadout slot applying from loadout 2 to loadout 1
* Fixed some collision issues with Torstein's Anvil's "Shop is Open"
* Fixed Halloween and Xmas achievements not working
* Fixed Grindfest entry door softlock (Android)
* Fixed Grindfest entry door not being able to open (Android)
* Fixed ingame chat (Android)
* Fixed Muspelheim Quest items being visible and interactable without the quest
* Fixed Valors Defender causing crash
* Fixed Waypoint map bug showing undiscovered areas as partly discovered

Have a wonderful day!


Season 3 is here!


After over 1000 hours of hard work we are proud to present you with Hero Siege season 3! The Patch notes are really long and you can check them out here: Official Patch Notes for Season 3

If you wish to support the ongoing development of the game, consider writing a review for the game or get one of the new dlc we baked for the game :) we truly appreciate each and every one of you! Lets make the game even better!

[h2]We have already started working on Season 4 which will feature some of these things:[/h2]
- Fortune Rifts (An unstable rift might take you to a random location and pay off big time!)
- Bifröst will make a comeback, polished and better than before!
- Titles from achievements
- Additional features and events from Grim Reaper Shrines and Chaos Shrines
- Dedicated inventory for charms which you can extend with the hero level board
- Relic Storage
- Alchemy, Herbalism, Fishing
- New augments, skill reworks, multi choosing augments or x keys for guaranteed augment
- Random affix jewel drops?
- Local Co-op. With PS5 release coming out in 2024 we will have a polished version of the local co-op!

We will try our best to fit all of this into 2 months of development time!


Stormweaver Game Play

[h2]The Stormweaver[/h2]
The Stormweaver commands the tempestuous power of thunder and lightning, shocking through the undead with electrifying grace. With each crack of thunder and flash of lightning she leaves the battlefields full of steaming ash.

Here is a little sneak peak of the Season 3 Stormweaver game play!


Season 3 is emerging on the 22nd of March

Greetings to everyone!

The past few months have been pretty much non-stop working around the clock and the lack of sleep can be truly felt. But oh boy do we have an improved game on our hands! Our beta testers have been absolutely amazing at providing feedback and together we have cooked one craaaaazy season for you good people! The patch notes just surpassed 800 lines and are massive!

Season 3 Patch Notes

We have are putting the Hero (or perhaps a god of war) back to the Siege!

[h2]Here is a little trailer for the game and season 3![/h2]


Hope you're all doing good! We are really excited for this upcoming season ːvikinghsː

- PAS Team

Hero Siege Celebrates 10 Years!

A decade ago Jussi and I got the opportunity of releasing Hero Siege on Steam and starting our company Panic Art Studios. Reflecting on the journey, it's almost surreal how our passion project transformed into a thriving reality. Back in the days of our studies at TAMK University of Applied Science we dabbled in game development during our free hours, but it was a spontaneous decision to do a 48-hour game jam that set the wheels in motion.

Pooling in votes for Style & Genre from our audience, the winning combination turned out to be "Arena/Hack n slash" + "Medieval/Fantasy". What started as a game jam project after the event evolved into Hero Siege. The journey from then till now has been an insane commitment, with nonstop efforts to bring the game to its current state. We stand here today proud of what we've built, and equally grateful for the passionate individuals who now form our team.

Hero Siege is not just a game it's a manifestation of our passion and dedication, a project for creative minds to thrive and a source of excitement for our players. To everyone who has played, supported our journey, and provided invaluable feedback - Thank you! Your passion has fueled our drive to continuously improve and innovate.

As we celebrate this milestone, we still have so much work to do and ideas to release thus this is only the beginning! Here's to another decade of Hero Siege and beyond!

- Love, PAS Team

Here is the game in its first stages and now :)