1. The Emperor and State
  2. News
  3. Eastern Game Fest + New Demo Available

Eastern Game Fest + New Demo Available

We are delighted to announce that The Emperor and State is participating in this year's Eastern Game Fest! The Emperor and State is a turn-based strategy game that simulates the rule of an ancient feudal monarch. It involves the administration, policy adjustment, diplomatic checks and balances, national wars, as well as the emperor's self-cultivation, the cultivation of successors and so on.

To celebrate the event, a brand-new demo is now available to play. The new version of the demo offers only the "Casual Mode." Future Early Access versions will include more modes to cater to different player preferences.

[h3]Additionally, the game now supports English, but English localization is still in progress. There are currently many known issues, and we will continue to optimize them soon. We appreciate your understanding and patience. [/h3]

[h2]Features of the New Demo[/h2]
  1. Significantly reduced game difficulty
  2. Improved existing gameplay
  3. Improved some character portraits
  4. Now supports Traditional Chinese and English (need optimization)
  5. No alchemy and generational gameplay in Demo

Feel free to join ourDiscord to share your feedback on the game!