1. Idle Colony
  2. News
  3. Hello World!

Hello World!

Dear Friends,

Welcome to my brand new Steam page. Allow me to introduce myself and my project.

I'm Faith, the solo developer and artist behind Idle Colony, you might know me from my previous games Duck's Despair and Breakthrough. It's been 6 years since I started my game development journey, and it's been a fascinating one to say the least.

Today, a new chapter begins in my clumsy adventure of trying to make a game with more than 10 Steam reviews, KEKW.
Idle Colony is a game about putting your brain down and letting go your anxieties of the day.
Originally called Love Colony and made in 14 days for the Pirate Game Jam, I drifted a lot from the original concept. My intention in this refinement process was to get to the root of the fun and leave all the superfluous stuff behind. It's not without a little regret that I butchered half of Love Colony's features, but now I'm very happy with the decisions I made.

Idle Colony is a simple idle/clicker game where you watch little creatures with ant-like behavior grow their colony and collect the fruits of your labor.
Like every idler, it's a love letter to radical capitalism, because as we all know, only the accumulation of wealth can bring you happiness.
As you collect fruits, they mix together in a Suika-game inspired fashion, to make bigger and bigger fruits, generating more and more money, hopefully bringing you more and more joy.

Your only goal in Idle Colony is to get the bigger fruit and to get this cash flow pumping, only to realize later that no amount of dopamine will fill that inner void I know you feel. But at least for a while, you'll forget. Isn't that the true nature of fun?

I'll be posting weekly updates on the game's progress, and I'll be announcing the playtesting session very soon!

Thanks for your time,