1. GearCity
  2. News
  3. v2.0.0.5 Patch

v2.0.0.5 Patch

Greetings Everyone,

I have released GearCity v2.0.0.5!

This update fixes a few bugs in the game, mod tools, and settings editor. All our external programs are now running Qt5, which should help with HiDPI issues on all platforms.

The Feature Bounty System has also launched. We're about halfway to our monthly goal to reach the first milestone before the deadline. You can find more details on the forums, the official websites, or our social media pages.

Work will continue on documentation and fleshing out the FBS bounty lists.

Changelog: -Engine: Some external websites in the game are now using HTTPS on 64-bit builds.
-Bugfix: Fixed issue that could cause frequent engineering strikes when many designs are under research.
-Bugfix: Fixed issue that prevented wage negotiations not being applied to all engineering employees if multiple designs are under research.
-Bugfix: Fixed issue that caused the dealership subsidized frequency value to be incorrect.
-GUI: When there are no longer any unlockable designs in the Research Teams window, we use a blank texture instead of an empty blueprint texture.
-Engine: Fixed several issues with saving and loading volume settings and the settings editor.
-Bugfix: Fixed money not being taken away when using the Anti-Trust Bribery option.
-Bugfix: Fixed several issues when losing the Anti-Trust case when selecting the Bribery option.
-Bugfix: Fixed a way for players to break the New Generation System by clicking the format button and changing the vehicle type and name. As a result, this fixes a couple of reports that players can't create new generations of certain vehicles.
-Bugfix: Fixed issue that caused unused factory morale to show 100 when it could be less.
-GUI: Player will no longer get a memo for unused factories with low morale.
-Bugfix: Fixed incorrect country in McLaughlin achievement.
-Bugfix: Fixed bug that could cause marketing efficiency to grow too fast at first. Made additional adjustments to marketing efficiency monthly growth values.

Mod Tools: -Bugfix: I Added a MapFileLocalSave.xml that stores the local path for the exported map. "MapFileForModTools.xml" uses relative paths which may not load when exported.
-GUI: Implemented Turn Events Editor buttons.
-Bugfix: Increased all localization ID max values.
-GUI: Added load, edit, and save music comments to music editor. I also fixed sizing issues.
-Bugfix: Fixed AI Editor clustering value limits.
-Bugfix: AI Editor can now accept -1 values. This value forces the game to generate a random value.
-GUI: Tool clears racing restrictions when making a new series.
-Bugfix: Fixed OSX drawn issues.
-Tool: Upgraded to QT5.

Settings Editor: -Bugfix: Fixed error prompts when downloading files from Steam Workshop.
-GUI: Added missing music settings.
-GUI: Removed full screen resolution lock.
-Tool: Upgraded to QT5.