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  3. Official "Full Release" Video Tutorials

Official "Full Release" Video Tutorials

Greetings everyone,

I spent the last several months creating the final video tutorials for the game. I am pleased to announce that all of the main video tutorials for the game are now available for download or streaming.

Here is where you can find them:
Steam Guide Youtube Official Website

You can also find some of the tutorials embedded into the game via the top-right Help menu. The missing ones will come with the next update.

In total, there are 46 videos and 4.65 hours of content. I've tried to break things down so that you can easily find information on specific topics.

I do have plans on creating some additional videos covering smaller items in the game. I also need to cut the videos on specific topics for the user manual. I may also re-dub and subtitle the mod tool videos and possibly create a couple of play through videos. I might do a live play through or two. Perhaps in a Q&A or Interactive Commentary setting, but I'm not too sure about that. I'm not telegenic.

[h3] Update[/h3]

Most of the regular followers of the game already know about the video tutorials. So let's move on to what everyone wants to know about, updates.

I've started work on v1.25.0.12, which will also serve as Final Release Candidate 1 (RC1). As of this writing, I've knocked out 30 issues so far. I will continue to do extensive play through testing to find and fix everything I run across. My goal was to have this completed by the end of March. Sadly, with everything going on in the world, I am late as always.

Beyond that, I still have a manual to rewrite. I wrote the last version of the in 2013 for version 1.11. I plan on finalizing the European Map, adding more newspaper clips, magazine reviews, and some more editing. I hope to create the North American map and map tool tutorial videos, but this might come post-release.

After all that, there will be additional RC's as needed, marketing the game, releasing the game, heart attacks, and then the post-release feature bounty system.

Anyway, that's where we are.