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Community Spotlight - Somnolence

Welcome to the first in a new series of Community Spotlight posts where we take a look at a different TerraTech Creator each month.

We're kicking things off with Somnolence (they go by sleepyheadz22 on Steam).


Take a trip down nostalgia lane and play the iconic Snake Game in TerraTech!


Rubik's Cube
A fully functioning Rubik's Cube for you to solve!


It's PONG! In TerraTech! Next step DOOM!?


Q&A with Somnolence

We asked Somnolence some questions about their experience with Circuits & Systems. Here's what they said:

Q: Where did you get your inspiration to make these Circuits & Systems Techs?
A: I simply set a goal and take a swing. There's a great satisfaction in both accomplishing large goals and discovering something along the way.

Q: They're obviously very complicated to make so what advice would you give to any Circuits & Systems beginners?
A: Make your own repertoire of individual simpler circuits first, even if they aren't the best possible; a tflipflop, memory/latch, something that splits a 2 digit number into the 1s and 10s, for example, will all grant you a much better understanding of the blocks than diving in head first. It also teaches the very important concepts of abstraction and decomposition - You can always break down a large problem into smaller ones, build individual circuits, and join them together, and you don't need to keep track of how each circuit will work exactly, just what it does. The nokia snake game's direction, movement, score, score display, apples and collision are all simply separate systems woven together. One of them's not even mine.
Also there's no shame in failure. The only path to knowledge is learning.

Q: Have you got any plans to build more Circuits & Systems toys, if so what are they?
A: Taking a break from large TT creations and all the lag they bring to focus on programming real world things - including a raycaster engine, which might elude to a potential TT project in the distant future

Watch them in Action!

Matt attempted to play around with these in our weekly Dev Livestream. You can check it out here:
