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  3. Bug Fixes for 9 April 2024

Bug Fixes for 9 April 2024

Headmaster Bad Identify from Pay2Lose no longer applies to Delicious Monster Steaks.

Scouting's bonus to overland combat encounters now lasts a little over 100 rounds, instead of just 20.

Maybe for realsies fixed the filter on the Blacksmithing menu? Probably!

Redistribution of Health should no longer target your own dear pet bird.

Pressing ctrl+arrow keys now once again rotates the contents of your hotbars.

Fixed a typo in the description of a secret power that I don't wanna spoil in the patch notes for new players.

Enemies should no longer drop loot into open sky spaces. Because that's not fair. However, I bet in rare cases we're still gonna see things like a pile of copper or a deadpulse in an open sky space sometimes. I hope not.