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  3. Update 1.12: Blood, Sweat, and Floof

Update 1.12: Blood, Sweat, and Floof

[h2]Chicken Chromafication[/h2]

An exciting new feature: you can color your birds. Located at the Academy Bird Ranch, the Chicken Chromafication Device will let you adjust the colors of both the top coat and undercoat of your birds, applying a shade to either their Sheen or Floof. You begin with all of six colors unlocked, further colors are available for $2.99 each lol just kidding you actually change those One-Use Tower Treasury Keys in your bags into Chroma Keys at the device, unlocking new colors for free.

[h2]Mountain Fortress 2.0[/h2]

The Mountain Fortress has been touched up. Many of the longer middle sections have been replaced by the Ascent, a battle on a winding path that leads up the mountain against the backdrop of the ground far below. Don't worry you can't fall off. However, there are new challenges in that enemies may attack you from across a gap that can only be cleared by jumping or charging over it. There are also new enemies to be faced as well, including the Brigand Demolitionist who will happily toss bombs everywhere, bombs that set off other bombs, like some sort of Bombermans.

The first ascent ends in an entirely new area, the Mountain Fortress Arena, which will pit you against two new bosses, Gravesender and Scargiver. If you think those names are too edgelord, prove it by crushing the duo into the dirt. The second ascent leads to the same boss that was there before, but even he couldn't get away without a coat of balance pass.

[h2]Warlord Commander[/h2]

There have been four Warlord types as long as there have been Warlords. Now there's a fifth. The Warlord Commander is... different. Very much so. A little more rare than the Conqueror, Herald, Harrier, and Sorceror, you won't see him quite as much but when you do you will probably remember it. The battle against him is arguably the most complex encounter in the game, but that's not saying much really, most bosses are pushovers right? Defeating a Commander will grant you a Down of Command, an item that increase your Battle Poultry's Pluck and Generation by at least 1, maybe 2 or 3!

[h2]Pig Farm Update[/h2]

While not as robust as the full on Battle Poultry system, there are indeed new pigs that do new things for you. The first step involves leveling up a Pig Farm by purchasing all the pigs and then restocking it with Porkloined Inventory. Once you do that, you'll have options. I'm trying not to spoil things here for those who want to discover it on their own.

[h2]Inventory and Hotbar Update[/h2]

A lot of work under the hood went into fixing up some really egregious inventory and UI bugs. Things are better now, especially for late game players who have 1600 door spikes, you'll find that the game should run a little faster and your save files should no longer take up an entire CD.

However, this is also the most dangerous part of the patch -- myself and others have tested it pretty thoroughly, but there's no doubt something got missed somewhere. If you notice any item weirdness, like disappearing items or duplication or whatever, plleeeaaasssseee come by the Discord and let me know.

On a happier note, sorting has been changed for Poultry stuff, your active Battle Poultry should show up at the top of the list in the Poultry tab. Also, if you have five Unhatched Battle Poultry, you shouldn't see any more drop until you get rid of them.

Hotbars should be more reliable, and point of fact there's now an option to have a horizontal hotbar at the bottom of the screen.


When encountering enemies in the Overworld, you used to be able to just say "Avoid this encounter." That now has a chance to fail, unless you have trained in Scouting. If your escape fails, you still start in a good position and it won't be an ambush.

Reactive Linens only works if you're wearing Light "Armor"

Razor Fury and Storm Driver no longer let you go right into walls.

Pig Farmer Shops only require 1 Porkloined Inventory to restock, the price of this item has increase 500%. Seems fair.

Razor Feather actually does damage now if your bird is melee only, and the bleed has been adjusted to be something sane.

Volatile Liquidity has been tuned up so that the curse damage over time scales better with your level and damage. It's still brutal at the early levels especially if you have a high Science score.

A certain boss no longer puts a certain spot on a spot that is certain to have an ice block on it. Oops.

Ninja Star Barrage is much less spammy.

Virulent poison no longer super stacks duration AND quantity -- that was so messed up.

[h2]Bug Fixes / QoL[/h2]

Pathing to stairs down/up works much better now. You still have to discover the stairs before you can use the autopathing.

Areas named after orcs and lizardmens will have the first letter of those names capitalized.

Overworld map screen cleaned up, locations should not show whatever_data_derp anymore. Viewing the Academy from the Overworld map will show more information.

Resting at an Inn gives you 1500 turns of bonus XP, not just 300.

Weird hat stuff: If you somehow managed to get two hats on your head at the same time, when you next load your save that should be cleared. It sounds like a good bug to have but it wasn't always in the player's best interest.

I spelled "juiciness" wrong in an item description. FIXED.

Effects / anims on allies out of combat don't play / verbose

Electrolyzed shows what it does.

Monsters who are at 0 health will no longer play a meaningless counterattack animation if they happened to block or parry but still die.

Teleporting in the overworld won't cause all your pets to just show up in a weird poof.

Finswain Bracers have a proper name now.

Fixed up some combat log stuff that would print combined damage when there was only one damage type.

Monsters who Steal Stremf will only target the hero with that power, not decoys or pets or greased pigs or any of that.

The camera shouldn't shake for more than two seconds at a time anymore. Well, mostly.

The Blacksmith will now accept weapons for crafting that have +Number enchants on them. Previously he would only accept weapons completely free of magic.

That bug where you could wind up a long range power and then use hot keys to switch to a power with shorter range but still fire it anyway has been fixed. Sorry.

Players who got bugged and never had the Foomwardens books drop somehow during the event should find them in the Academy once they reach level 13. This is pretty rare, thankfully.

Real Armor Warding works, 1 to 1 for Ranged resist, 2 to 1 for Melee resist.

Foom tooltip no longer lies about increasing your mana pool. That happens via ranks in Wizardmans.

Monsters who didn't have death sounds should have death sounds now.