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  2. News
  3. Preparing for 7 May Release

Preparing for 7 May Release

Development of v1.0 is wrapping up - 7 May release is just 3 weeks away! Time to break down some details.

Release State

These won't make it into release, but will be addressed later if there's enough interest from players:

  • More languages.
  • Mac & Linux versions.
  • Steam Achievements might be set up in time - if not, they'll work retroactively, so there won't be anything lost by playing before they're in.

Future Content

I already have plans for content additions and new mechanics - again, this depends on how much interest Genome Guardian garners after release, but here's an idea of what you can hopefully expect not long after release (May & June):

  • New Turrets & Perks: Got lots of spicy ideas.
  • New Modes: Maybe some that really flip the gameplay experience on its head.
  • Balancing: I'll have a better picture of which weapons, perks, etc. are lacking once people start playing.
  • "Endless" Improvements: More mechanics tied to the gameplay experience after wave 30.
  • More Uses for "Research".
  • Addressing Player Feedback.

If the game does well enough, I'd love to keep expanding upon Genome Guardian enough that it feels like the sequel to its sequel a year later. I started development of this in late January after all - imagine what's possible with triple the development time's worth of updates.

Got Ideas?

Hit me up in the Genome Guardian Discord - I'd love to hear how I can improve the game, adjust balance, and your ideas for new turrets, perks, modes, or other content!