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Gnomancer News

Progress continues!

As always, Early Access is a time to experiment, and see what works, and get feedback. The patches over the last week have started to move to a new method of doing tile transitions - this looks great, but means we need to do a pass over all of the existing levels. Whilst this does feel like we're treading water a bit, it does also mean that the game's looking better and better.

I'll continue to make 2-5 patches and updates per week, but remember, this is the time to help us focus and change the game so it's something you love - so give some feedback, tell me what needs to be changed, and tell me what's brilliant and you want more of!

New graphics and bug fixes

We've done a pass over a lot of the visual style of the game. This has lead to a bunch of levels having tile transitions that need reword, but look loads better!

There's also been a fix to the Pet Rendering, so those of you that own FortressCraft should now see ARTHER as intended.

More map updates soon!

Polish and Speed and Balance - oh my

  • Added data-driven player colours
  • Added XP-bonus drops from Bosses. First player to grab 'em gets the boost!
  • Further work on per-mob healthbars and text placement.
  • Tweaked fog and atmospherics in most places in the game.
  • Added indicators when Healers are ready to heal
  • Added indicators when Mages are ready to Rejuv
  • Mages will now Rejuv other players if their owner is full on mana.
  • Hooked up a new shader system for animated glass smoke
  • Hooked up the start of the Speech system.
  • Implemented some Voldarr lines, by special guest, Ricky Berwick.

Spit and polish

  • Food weighs a lot less, so players shouldn't get trapped by it
  • If you own FortressCraft, you'll get a free pet. Not balanced, working or optional. Feedback wanted!
  • Implemented a collision force pre-map to allow much much faster Gnome and Pet simulation.
  • Fixed an issue where progression of multiple slots was added together
  • Pets should no longer Leak
  • Pets should die if you die.
  • Added saving spinner. It's like an actual console game!
  • Fixed an issue with best time readouts
  • Tweaked the size of Combat Text
  • Added a cloud pass for daylight levels
  • Reworked the atmospherics and fog for dungeons
  • Fixed waggling Gnomes. Again. https://i.gyazo.com/a88bbce4cc1bc9890251ede0e0155e85.mp4

New levels, performance boosts and map polish.

After much discussion, I've decided to focus on Pets before Loot. Pets will be stat-boosting and upgradable. How they unlock, how they work has still to be decided, but a hard evening's work and it's already looking kinda neat.

On top of that, we're mostly happy with the initial raft of maps available, so I've extended it to cover 2 bosses and 3 dungeons across 12 levels. I spent about 6 hours playing the maps and making tweaks based on that today, so I'm happy to push this patch out now.

  • Auto detail should now smartly modulate Ambient Occlusion based on resolution.
  • Low Detail will now force you to 1280x720p, if you're in a regular 16:9 base resolution.
  • Another raft of polish across all current levels.
  • Unlocked access to level 12, allowing players access to 2 dungeons and 3 bosses.
  • Fixed an issue where choosing a new difficulty didn't update the accessible ring on the map.
  • Added different ways for Map Designers to spawn Gnomes into the map, to add to the variety. AutoGnomes should also have a significantly different look, so players shouldn't try and resurrect them.
  • Fixed super-high pitched pickup SFX
  • Started work on stat-boosting combat pets.