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Rain World News

Rain World Vinyl Preorder

Hey slugcats,

I know you guys have been waiting for this for a long time!

We have partnered up with Black Screen Records to bring back the Rain World Vinyls! Now being covered by the amazing art of Kelekelo, if you enjoyed the music of Rain World then these records are an amazing pickup!

For those who really enjoyed the music of Rain World Downpour, the music in Rain World: Downpour by the amazing composers of Intikus, Ongomato, 12lbs, and Progfox have also been remastered for vinyl format! Also being covered by the amazing art of Kelekelo these records include 31 different songs from Rain World: Downpour!

Check out the records here!

- Riv Otter

Gourmand plushies and more!

Hey slugcats,

After over a half of a year of Gourmand disappearing on vacation they are back and they are… plushie? Even though they may be plushie, trying to move them is back breaking work.

[h3]Gourmand Plushie[/h3]
After many years, it is time to bring the chonk into your arms. Gourmand plushies are available for preorder!

[h3]Slugmallows pins[/h3]
Some of you keen eye slugcats may have noticed the slugcats floating above the gourmand plushie graphic. Those are the new adorable slugmellows pins which are also available to preorder!

[h3]Rain World Posters[/h3]
And last but not least are two new amazing Rain World posters designed by the very talented Saren Stone, who you may remember when they streamed designing these posters!

You can check out all the new merchandise at the Sanshee store!

- Riv Otter

Humble's Metroidvania Bundle includes seven bangers for only $15

Metroidvanias, Metroid-likes, and Castlevania-likes are games that heavily feature non-linear exploration and cool discoveries that open up parts of an interconnected map. Otherwise known as good game design. A new Humble Bundle has now compiled seven great Metroidvanias for the low price of £12/$15, available here from now until June 20th.

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RW Art Month stats and announcements

Hey, slugcats!

It has been so amazing to organize another Rain World Art Month and watch all the art pieces drawn for the event. Thank you everyone who participated in the event! It has been wonderful to watch RW Art Month grow over the years! This is the first time the event has expanded to Steam! I wanted to talk about some stats, important links, and announcements made during the event.

[h2]RW Art Month Stats[/h2]
Total art: 5,827 (+4,578 from last year)
Unique artists: 1,060
Most popular prompt: Gourmand: 623 art pieces | 2nd: Spearmaster: 444
Average art piece per day: 146.7

[h2]Rain World Announcements[/h2]
Rain World Art Month full gallery: If you would like to see all the art that has been drawn throughout the event, I have uploaded all the art to Google Drive.

Rain World Art Month Museum: We’ve updated the museum to include more art and more prompts from the event!

Slugpup Plushies: Survivor, Monk, Hunter, and Nightcat slugpup plushies are available for preorders! They are squishable and small.

Rain World Vinyl: We are teaming up with Black Screen Records to develop a base game reprint and new upcoming Downpour companion vinyl. No preorders available quite yet but like the posters, but once these become available, I’ll be sure to update you all! You can also sign up for the Black Screen Records mailing list to keep an eye out for more info!

Rain World posters: If you watched Saren Stone’s stream you would have gotten a sneak peek at the Rain World posters being worked on! Once these become available, I’ll be sure to let you know!

I have so much more coming soon and are excited to talk about it with you when we have more information on them! We even hinted at a lizard plushie and pin in the works.

-Riv Otter

1.9.07 hotfix

Hey slugcats,

We have just released a hotfix to fix the input issues.

[h2]Hotfix notes[/h2]
  • Fixed Down & Left directions on the keyboard not being rebindable in the input settings menu.
  • Fixed game crash on the input settings menu if the player had a controller bound to the 4th player in their save file prior to the 1.9.07 update.
  • Fixed Sandbox Mode controls not working.

We apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused and thank you all for your patience and bug reports.

- Riv Otter