1. Celestial Command
  2. News
  3. Update


[h2]Change log[/h2]
  • New module: Side torpedo launcher
  • Fixed an issue with infinite warp flight that occurred after loading the game in orbital mode
  • New systems on the map will now be unlocked upon capturing all stations in the system, even if navigational data is not yet sufficient (this resolves some errors related to save loading)
  • Fixed an issue where a base ship could fly above or below the zero plane while another ship was docked to it
  • The "Refresh" button in the saved ships list now works correctly
  • Newly saved ships can now be properly deleted
  • Weapons on turret platforms no longer consume twice as many system points as they should
  • The S2 torpedo launcher now launches a torpedo of the correct size
  • Reduced the amount of navigational data required to unlock the next systems from 30 to 20