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  2. News

The Universim News

Modding for The Universim and The Crust Bundle Launch!

Hello Creators!

We hope you are all doing great and having a blast! We have some great news for you related to the long-awaited addition to the game, and we would also like to invite you to check out The Crust game that just got released from our friends at VEOM Studio. We truly think that you will enjoy it!

After our previous blog, we received many messages from you. Some of you’ve got really excited to learn that the team has also started working on our next project - Solarpunk Life Sim Farming and Automation game - Farm Folks (Join Farm Folks Discord). In contrast, others felt sad that we plan to stop introducing new features to The Universim after calling the game complete. Today, we have additional info for you.

We want to clarify that we’re not stopping support for The Universim. We will continue improving the gameplay, releasing quality-of-life updates, and fixing critical issues and bugs.
Seeing your love and passion for the game, we decided to spend just a little bit more time with the game and give you what you’ve been asking for so long - the ability to mod the game, which will provide you with the real creator powers you've been seeking from the beginning.

We always wanted to add modding to the game, but we knew it would require overwhelming work due to the complexity of The Universim code and systems (we’ve been developing it for 10 years, wow!). Despite that, we gathered the team, discussed the work ahead, and have been working on it behind the scenes.

We are happy to announce that we have made significant progress. As a test, we have already added one modding system, allowing us to add new factories to the game. We aim to make modding as simple and convenient as possible, even for new users. We plan to release mods in parts/categories (buildings, factories, resources, quests, nuggets, etc.). Our first release will focus on factories. Afterward, we will work on other buildings and nuggets. We are currently working on integrating the modding system with Steam (it already works outside of Steam). Once this is done, we will release this patch with the first-ever modding tool for The Universim!

If you have modding experience or mod suggestions for The Universim, please join our Discord and share them with us in our new Mod Talk channel.


We are still gauging how much we can allow to be modded, and any of your input might be very valuable to us. Modding will enable many of you to create and share your creations with our community via the Steam workshop, potentially infinitely extending the amount of content in the game. We’re incredibly excited about this, and we hope you are as well.


Another exciting piece of news: we’re thrilled to let you know that our friends at VEOM Studio have just released the moon colonization and factory automation game, The Crust, on Steam. We invite you to check it out; we think it’s right up your alley. We partnered with them and created The Universim X The Crust Steam Bundle, which can be found here. It should offer you guys an extra discount, even if you already own The Universim.


The Crust is a lunar base automation and colony management game where you must automate a lunar base to become humanity's savior. Think of it as a mix of Factorio and a bit of RimWorld. If you enjoy these kinds of games, definitely check it out!


You are the best community we have ever had, and we hope you all have an awesome day!

The Crytivo Crew

What the Future Holds

Hello everyone,

I trust you're all doing well and making the most of each day. I wanted to share some updates from our end regarding the future of the company and our game.

Let's dive into the game first.

We're currently crafting a new update, one that injects fresh content into the game. The primary focus of this update is to provide players in the later stages, from modern and beyond, with avenues to utilize their surplus resources. Many players have amassed substantial resources with no clear direction for their use beyond planetary colonization.

To address this, we're introducing a new feature inspired by the Tower of Babel. This building will serve as a resource sink, allowing players to contribute resources and engage in a mini-game within its confines. You'll have the opportunity to establish and expand a small colony within the tower, earning a score based on your progress. This score will determine your position on a leaderboard, adding a competitive edge to the game for those who have already conquered its primary challenges.

Our team has been hard at work on this update for the past month and a half, laying the groundwork for the system. We're expecting to release this update within the next 1-2 months and we’re excited to share previews of what's to come in the near future and eagerly will be waiting for your feedback.

Concept art

Now, let's talk about our broader plans and the future of Crytivo.

Developing The Universim has been an incredible journey - one filled with challenges, rewards, and unwavering support from each of you. We've released over 50 content updates, alongside numerous bug fixes and improvements, all aimed at enhancing your experience. Your support has meant the world to us, and we're deeply grateful for it.

As with any journey, there comes a time for closure and new beginnings. While The Universim holds a special place in our hearts, it's time for us to embark on a new adventure.

We invite you to our next project - Farm Folks

Farm Folks is an open-world life simulator multiplayer game that combines resource management and automation in a customizable farm-building experience. It is a mix of games such as Satisfactory, The Sims, Fortnite, Escape from Tarkov, spiced up with ghost hunting and much more.

With The Universim's final content update on the horizon, our focus will shift entirely to Farm Folks.

We would like to invite you to join Farm Folks Discord and Wishlist the game on Steam.

If you're curious to learn more about our second game you can do so by using the link below:

We’re planning to offer something special for our The Universim players in the game and we will share what exactly at the later date.

We're excited about this new chapter and grateful for your continued support as we forge ahead.

P.S. We want to make sure this is clear: We will continue to introduce bug fixes, quality of life improvements, and balance adjustments to the game ( The Universim ) going forward.

Warm regards,

Bug Fixes & Improvements Patch

Hello Creators,

Today, we released a new patch with some improvements and fixes. This patch addresses several localization issues as well as crashes that were reported to us. We are also happy to announce that Macs with M chips should no longer see a broken main menu. The issue was related to a Unity bug and our system not cooperating well with each other.

As we move forward, we are encountering more edge case issues and fewer bugs that affect everyone. With this in mind, we are moving towards improvements and balance for the game based on the feedback we received on Steam and in our Discord channels. As we progress with this update, we will keep you informed about the estimated release dates. Currently, it is a bit early to provide specific dates.

We will continue to iron out bugs and address any issues that arise as quickly as possible.
Now, let's review what was fixed in this patch:

  • Fixed an issue where nuggets created by the simulation system do not trigger believer news messages in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where trading shuttles without valid resource count maps caused crashes.
  • Fixed incorrect localization for Resource Management.
  • Fixed missing localization for the Planet Cracker Laser and Stomp.
  • Added localization to the Cosmodrome Panel and Evo Tower Rocket Panel.
  • Fixed collapsed Planet Cracker Relaunch Localization.
  • Fixed localization for the Sent Planet Cracker "Yes / No" buttons.
  • Fixed localization for the Oil Extractor Panel.
  • Fixed localization for the Space Box Research Progress.
  • Fixed localization for Warehouse Storage.
  • Fixed duplicated planet names by implementing a system for generating unique planet names based on their coordinates.
  • Fixed an issue where the road system was not correctly created on the planet where the Planet Cracker was sent.
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when tanks would shoot the Planet Cracker, causing explosion effects to break and be displayed in the incorrect position.
  • Drastically improved the performance of tanks, helicopters, and combat, achieving a 30+ fps gain during encounters.
  • Fixed an issue with Mac's M chips at game start.
  • Added a warning for when trying to assign all available workers.
  • Adjusted logic to ensure that the Cracker arrival message doesn't appear on unrelated planet panels.
  • Added notification when the settlement has no free workers to assign to general buildings.
  • Added functionality to rename planets through the Star Map Panel.

We hope you have a wonderful start to the week!
If you encounter any issues in the game, don’t hesitate to drop us a message on our Discord in the #bug-channel.

If you enjoy the game, please consider leaving us a review.
Thank you for being an awesome community.


The Universim Hot Fix #6

Hello Creators!

We hope you're all having a fantastic weekend. We rolled out another update yesterday, and we're excited to share the details with you. Below, you'll find a list of what we've been working on and all the fixes we've implemented. Every week, we strive to address as many issues as we can, and we're incredibly thankful to all of you for helping us by reporting those issues. With each passing week, we're receiving fewer reports of critical issues, which makes us even happier. Our goal is to resolve as many issues as possible as we move towards the next update. We had hoped to begin work on it this coming week, but unfortunately, there are still a few issues that need our attention. Once the majority of these issues are resolved and only low-level ones remain, we'll dive right into the update.

Here’s what’s been worked on:

  • The cancel button on the Space Object Panel was not correctly applying its disabled status, appearing as always active.
  • Fixed destroyed planets being showcased at the bottom side of the panel of the star map in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue with disappearing electronic components when flying from one planet to another due to lack of storage space on a planet.
  • Implemented the number of observatories counter on the Star Map UI.
  • Fixed stuck clouds produced by the cloud generator.
  • Fixed an issue where buildings on fire would trigger a temperature warning for the planet.
  • Fixed an issue where a colonization rocket could have been sent to the same planet as a planet cracker while it was still traveling there, producing an error.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would move towards the final planet after the planet was destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused saving issues for the game due to nuggets killed within the UFO.
  • Fixed an issue where unfinished buildings within the building panel were considered as having 100% health, therefore not correctly displaying the buildings when they were sorted based on health.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the loading of save files due to resources on the planets not being correctly calculated during loading in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error due to the evolution tower being constructed on the foreign planet. Despite having an evolution tower, the simulation system still assumed that the planet is not colonized, therefore producing an error.
  • Fixed an issue where underground resources were added to the planet for the 2nd time (therefore doubling the amount of resources) and causing confusion with increased planet cracker gather time.
  • Fixed an issue related to the Alien Resource Miner harvesters.
  • Added a message to the Alien Resource Miner Panel for when there are no available resources.
  • Added the possibility to start Space Object exploration from the simulated planets.
  • Added extra functionality to the Abduction Quest "eye". Now pressing the button will cycle between UFOs and Hopkings, allowing to find all the targets easier.

If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to report them to us, and we'll do our best to address them promptly. The fastest and most direct way to report an issue is by joining our Discord server and leaving a message with the details in our bug-reports channel. This way, we can see it immediately and add it to our database.

We greatly appreciate your support. You're truly the best community anyone could ask for. Wishing you all a fantastic remainder of your weekend, and remember to stay safe and have fun.

The Crytivo Crew

The Universim Hot Fix #5

Hey Creators!

Happy Friday! We’re back with a new update and new patch notes! Thanks to the community, we’ve been able to squash more bugs and make the game a better experience!

Here’s what we worked on this week and what we’ve fixed!

  • We’ve had a heart to heart with the ministers, and told them to no longer place Hunter Huts if the planet does not have any animals
  • Universities and Movie Theaters will now correctly calculate Discovery Points
  • You will no longer receive notifications about buildings being destroyed and built, or about new Nugget believers when immediately arriving on the planet due to the Simulation System.
  • The Planet Cracker Extractor will no longer extract an endless amount of parts
  • The time it takes for the Planet Cracker to gather regular resources has been reduced
  • The Planet Cracker will no longer show a duplicated amount of resources in the selection panel
  • Fixed an issue related to sending The Planet Cracker to another planet. The issue would prevent loading a planet.
  • Firefighters will no longer ignore buildings that have been set on fire by the Planet Cracker and/or Firestorm
  • The Planet Cracker’s landing platform can no longer be set on fire.
  • The Planet Cracker will no longer spawn underground after being rebuilt
  • The Tesla Quest will now accept the parts required to complete the quest.
  • Tesla Parts will now spawn appropriately after the game is loaded from a save file
  • Fixed an issue related to Twitch Chat, which caused an NRE during certain conditions when chat members were sending messages
  • Interplanetary Trade Achievement is now achievable
  • Ice and Lava Terraforming Achievements are now working correctly.
  • The “No food warning” now takes cooked food into account and will only trigger when there is no cooked or raw food
  • The timer formatting is now correct upon Alien Arrival
  • Exile Settlements will now appear on other planets. Deal with them as you see fit, Creator
  • Alien Settlements now have the opportunity to spawn on Alien Planets (though, to them, it’s their Mother Planet, and your Nuggets are the aliens)
  • Voidspawns that appear on other planets can now be killed. Hooray!
  • Space Objects that cannot be explored will no longer have the option to explore them

Currently, the team is concentrating fully on fixing as many issues as possible, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel where all the major and mid-sized issues will be fully addressed. We believe that after one or two more updates, we will be in a very good state. Once we’re there, we’re planning to get back to reviewing some of the suggestions we’ve been receiving from you and see if we can start working on some of them! So, if you’ve got a cool idea you want to share, don’t hesitate to join our discord and tell us all about it on our tu-improvements channel!
Before we go, we want to hear about your exciting, funny, or just plain weird experiences in The Universim! Find something cool or new? Tell us about it! Share your stories, your screenshots, your city setups, anything, in our discord!

Have a wonderful weekend, Creators. And remember, it’s a beautiful planet. Try not to ruin it.

Crytivo Crew