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  2. News
  3. 1.19.0 update is out. Looks a bit better!

1.19.0 update is out. Looks a bit better!

New update is out!!!

This post will be a short one as there isn't large things just tons of little things.

Some highlights.....

The fonts have been made more consistent!
Fonts and a lot of the UI was pretty inconsistent in places so we have made strides to make them more consistent. Such as having the same font/coloring across the game.

Throughout the game things that made it feel choppy and styles inconstant have been changed to be more consistent and smooth. Such as there being a proper loading screen after the intro if the world doesn't finish loading by the end of it, Or the actual dirt explosions on the planet matching the color of the dirt. Or your probe studdering when going diagonally.

On a more technical front lots of old gross and clunky code has been moved.
The update will actually make your game file folder size about 30mb smaller because of the cleanup of unnecessary files and code running.

Thanks everyone for sticking with us and continuing to enjoy our game!