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  3. Update 78 - Build Update

Update 78 - Build Update

Update 78 - Build Update

(September 19th, 2018)

Build a Game Universe is back up and going. :)

+ This update is a minor update to the main build, but we want to be sure you have access to Build a Game while we work on it. :)

+ We have turned off some features in the Market Center, in the Product Page, and Tile Viewer intentionally and will be re-introducing things throughout the next two weeks. If you don't see something that is normally there, it's okay, it'll be back. :)

+ All game data and files have been cleared and are ready for a fresh start on more testing. :)

+ When all the features have been tested against the live build, we'll be sure to make a much larger announcement with all the fun things happening in Build a Game Universe.

Thank you!
Chad - Nathan - Eric