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  2. News


Welcome, lords and ladies of KINGDOMS!
As it was announced last week today's update will finally add marriage proposals for the player. Player can ask about marriage if relationship is higher than 50. Gaining nobility or title will work for the player the same way they work for the AI - if someone from the couple is noble - after marriage both will become noble. When making a proposal player can also choose place to live - in players last build house (in that case wife/husband will change their settlement and join the one where family house is build) or in AI house. If player will flirt with someone when already having a family - relationship and friendship with in the family will decrease.
According to roadmap next update will improve in-family dialogs a bit, plus I'm working at family quests at the moment, so stay tuned and watch for KINGDOM's updates!

  • Now player can make marriage proposals;
  • To make a proposal player should have at lease 50 relationship points;
  • Player can't make marriage proposal if he already has a family;
  • Players family can move to AI house (if finished);
  • Players family can move to last build players living house (if finished);
  • Married settler can move to new settlement, depends where last players house was set;
  • If player's family moves to player's house, settlers change settlement to those, where house belongs to;
  • If player is a noble, couple will also become a noble;
  • If couple is a noble, player will also become a noble;
  • Couple will get players title if having lower title previously;
  • If player is flirting with someone when having a family, relationship and friendship with partner will decrease;
  • Fixed issue when players title wasn't visible in the inventory menu;
  • Fixed issue when perk description font on character creation page wasn't fully visible for some perks;
  • Logs physics was tweaked a bit - now after 6 sec log will stop - that should help is cases when tree was cut on the hill;
  • Russian translation was updated;


1) Please, feel free to use built-in bug reporter (F11) - it will help development a lot.
2) If something is broken make sure you have verified game files and started new world, remember -KINGDOMS is still EA, I try to make saves compatibility for every new version of the game, but can't guarantee it all the time.
3) The game is still in development, it's NOT finished product, updates are coming 3-4 times a week and that will inevitably cause various issues. Updates for game in development and for finished game - are two absolutely different things, remember that. Game mechanics come and gone, bugs are being fixed and new ones appear all the time. Its a normal thing for development process. If you want to experience KINGDOMS as it was initially designed - smooth, without bugs and full of working mechanics - please, wait till final version will be out.
4) You can support development of KINGDOMS on my official Patreon page.
Thanks for your support, see you very soon!