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  3. Status Report #12: Pets to Power Cells

Status Report #12: Pets to Power Cells

[h3]Greetings esteemed colleagues,[/h3]

We're one month from our Early Access release, and we've got A LOT to show off - so this Status Report's coming at you rapid fire!

Grab your GATE coffee mug, brace yourselves and let's dive in.

From enemies to friends to an exploitable power source, it's one of the features that the mystery dev writing this post is the most excited about: getting to adopt your own little space potato!

And if you don’t care about petting them, perhaps you'll be excited to utilize them in your base to power your benches throughout the night!

“It seems Dr. Manbanko's work with IS-0173 is bearing fruit. After restraining it in a box and feeding it for a time, the creature's aggression dropped remarkably. I'm intrigued to know whether this was due to its rapid learning or the coercive power of nachos.” - Dr. Derek Manse

Every good scientist needs their journal! Your Compendium is just that, updating as you encounter locations and enemies to help you keep track of all those names and places that could turn out to be important to your research.

“TO ALL STAFF: Ensure you have consulted the GATE Compendium before interacting with or conducting research on any immured subject. Familiarity with protocols is essential for all those investigating or otherwise handling all contained specimens. Failure to do so risks injury, death or even dismissal.” - T. R. Enderson, GATE Immurement Manager

[h2]Cable Management[/h2]

Highly requested during every playtest and demo, it's finally here: All you tidy scientists can rest a little bit easier knowing that your cables will be somewhat more manageable from now on.

from: [email protected]

For the thousandth time, we NEED to get Manufacturing tidied up to a basic safety standard. The place is a mess of cables and worse. Am I supposed to believe that in this facility, full of supposed geniuses, no-one has devised a way to organize power wiring?

[h2]New Art and Customizations[/h2]

More hair options!

More face options!

Offices feel even more office-y with added details like blinds!

Trinkets! What are these for? Perhaps you’ll find out for yourself soon enough…


Scoot scoot.

GATE’s security has been tightened to keep its researchers safe from their research.

Different reloads for different levels of reload skill will help scientists understand their own abilities better. Our Art Director, Connor, has been hard at work making them apparent!

Low level reloading vs. high level reloading:

More plants, ingredients and overall recipes, which is good news for our Somatic Gastrologists. Have fun, soup hunters!

Paintable deployables will let you further personalize your bases.

[h2]In Case You Missed It[/h2]

[h3]Early Access Info and Roadmap[/h3]

Please check out our full Early Access Announcement for all the details!

[h3]EA Q&A[/h3]

With Early Access on our minds we made a Q&A Dev Vlog to answer some related questions from community members.


[h3]The Steam Engine[/h3]

All aboard IS-0138!


[h2]Stay Tuned[/h2]

When you descend into the GATE Cascade Research Facility you’re going to be facing a lot of unexpected challenges. Follow these Status Reports for tips, insights and strategies to keep you safe, as well as fun looks-behind-the-scenes at development!

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Onward to science!

[h3]Wishlist Today![/h3]