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  2. News
  3. Major Update- Leaders, Tactical Timer, and Advanced Game Settings

Major Update- Leaders, Tactical Timer, and Advanced Game Settings

EA3 Patch and Release Candidates

Greetings Lords of Rigel, this patch adds in our last major features to the game Leaders and Advanced Game Settings.

At this point we are asking the community for saves if encountering any game breaking bugs or issues with the intent of updates aiming for 1.0.

The LoR art book and soundtrack we plan to release with 1.0 this summer.

Image 1. Example from LoR Artbook

The full soundtrack will include more tracks.

[h2]For Returning Players[/h2]
If you are returning to LoR after a while please check in the FAQ on deleting persistent settings and the input save files and .ini. Over early access we've done many changes to these files so starting with fresh settings and game saves will solve issues you might have with odd key bindings and setting behaviors.

Common Issues and Resolving Them

Image 2. One of your games!

[h2]Advanced Game Settings[/h2]
Advanced game settings let you adjust victory conditions and can also adjust random events and the total number of planets in a system.

For balancing reasons we've kept the planet range between 5 and 10. For those who want a more oldschool MOO2 style game or faster pace in larger galaxy sizes we recommend reducing the maximum planet count. However, the game is balanced for more hostile to life galaxies and the higher orbit count is to offset that.

Image 3. Advanced settings

Leaders are cabinet members that apply empire wide bonuses. Leaders can be sometimes rescued and hired for no cost from empty systems or after defeating a space monster guarding a system.

Leaders can be lost is a capitol is destroyed or during rebellions.

Assigned leaders gain rank over time which increase the bonuses they offer.

Leaders provide bonuses empire wide to colonies, the overall empire, and fleets.

There are over 20 leaders with over 15 skills that can impact nearly every part of your empire.

Early on some concerns were voiced about "where are the really alien aliens?" in Lord of Rigel and you'll find that many of the leaders are unique and represent species with strange biologies.

Image 4. Leaders

What's next?

If you encounter any game breaking issues please send saves to contact@rhombus-studios,net

Reporting issues

We want to focus on any remaining game breaking bugs and critical balance issues but welcome any additional quality of life improvements. Through EA we've incorporated the vast majority of player feedback as new QOL improvements.

As for LoR past 1,0, there are some smaller content updates we hope to implement (More leaders, additional technologies, monsters).