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  3. Progressive Patch 04 Announcement.

Progressive Patch 04 Announcement.

Hello Pilots! New Patch is out! There are the last features before the new content integration. Let's check what we added to the game.

[h3]0.0957 - 0.0959 Version Patch Notes.[/h3]

Added Custom Keyboard and Controller (Key Binding)

We added a binding keyboard and controller in the options menu. Be careful any customized will affect all UI and basic interactions on the controller. If it struggles you with any control, you can restore all the latest customized to be a default.

Mentions list by players to try the binding
  • Invert Camera Axis.
  • Swap Quick Boost Trigger and Customized by yours.
  • Change your Fire Trigger.
  • Any interchanged by yourself.
  • Let's try!

Keyboard and Controller Mapping Screen

It's related to Key Binding now. Any changes will affect all buttons that displaying on the mapping screen. Also, we have relocated some positions of the button to fit on the screen.

All button guide icons match with Key Binding.

All bound keys will affect the guide icons that appeared on Combat Screen, Tutorial, and also, all menus in the game. Please remind it also, affect on any latest saves.

More thing about key binding support, we removed the old joystick icon that displayed on the combat screen and replaced it with a dynamic button guide. It's also changeable by your latest binding.

Enabled Options Setting in Mission Mode.

Now you can change game settings during the mission. Flexible settings and Key Binding were also available.

Enabled Collected and Use for Consumable items(Orbs).

Now all orb items that drop during the mission can be obtained and collected to the useable item stack on the top of the combat screen.

To use any items to fill your unit ammo, energy, and action points. You can press RB on Middle Click to call the small menu. It will show up to replace the skill wheel with 3 slots for your choosing. Item will use to fill the supply on the current playing unit. However, if the ammo, energy, and action point of the current unit are not full. That obtained item will automatically use when the unit got the item.

Released defensive attacks by enemies when using a skip battle.

You can see the latest build. Enemies can't interact with the player if they triggered a skip battle on the new tactical view. Now it's activated. You will see the result of the attack by the enemy after using a skip battle. The condition depends on the defensive attribution of each enemy.


About full binding key support. You can try and test as you want but, any change will affect the actual control you get used to. If some confusion happens on game control, you can use Restore to Default to roll back all settings and begin to set up again.

We need some integration and improvement before the Big Update. Any change and patch will be updated on the STEAM Announcement first.

Tips: We lock both of Confirm and Cancel keys from actual binding but if you want to set them all you can Pull up and hold Right Analog Stick during the setting. You can bind all Confirm and Cancel Keys then.

Some Screenshots of new Mechs. More details are coming soon.