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  3. Easter Festivities Idea!

Easter Festivities Idea!

💌 Greetings, El Presidente!

I have an egg-citing idea just in time for Easter festivities! 🐰

Picture this: Bunnies behind the wheel, cruising the streets of Tropico. Now, I know what you're thinking, El Presidente: ‘Penultimo, have you lost your marbles? Bunnies driving cars in Tropico?’

Fear not! This is just an egg-celent suggestion, a dream of what could be. But oh, just imagine that! Bunnies zipping around, delivering coconuts instead of eggs – for a small fee, of course. 🥚 And you can tell them where to drive (even through your political enemies’ buildings)! 🚘

Truly, the future of Tropico knows no bounds!

¡Felices Pascuas!