2. News
  3. Don’t be alone in The Complex – Join our Discord!

Don’t be alone in The Complex – Join our Discord!

The last year of GTFO was fantastic, releasing out of Early Access and delivering both new and previous rundowns. That meant that a lot of new prisoners were awoken but not everyone has a core gang of people to take on the challenge of GTFO with. This is why our official Discord server has been the home of a big part of the community since the game's early days.

[h3]This is just a small highlight of what you can find on the official Discord server[/h3]
  • Region-based LFG channels
  • A plethora av voice channels with that extra good quality
  • Lore discussions for the curious and the terminal-scavenging log hunters alike
  • Deep talks about strategies for the harder challenges and what loadouts you should use
  • View and share clips and other media content from GTFO, from the funny gags to thorough guides
  • Technical support from people with hundreds of hours in the game

As many in this forum can attest to, it’s a beginner-friendly place where both veterans and freshly awoken prisoners can hang out and bonk some sleepers together.