1. Pavlov VR
  2. News
  3. Update 29 - Hotfix 1

Update 29 - Hotfix 1

This hotfix is addressing some of the issues players are reporting. We appreciate everyone's patience while we address these problems in a timely manner! We will continue to address issues in future hotfixes.

If you are still having launch issues, please visit our troubleshooting FAQ, join our Discord #pc-troubleshooting channel, or email our support team at [email protected]

-Added setting to enable/disable hand smoothing
-Added Vive OpenXR plugin for Cosmos + Focus 3 controller support
-Added Varjo OpenXR Plugin
-Adjusted framerate for scopes to unlimited
-Adjusted cosmos controllers from hold to grip to toggle grip
-Adjusted Knuckles squeeze grip threshold to require less force (requires new gameusersettings.ini file generation)
-Fixed swap locomotion + left hand dominant hand cause scoreboard to be on left hand
-Fixed gun adjuster if using swap locomotion
-Fixed moderation view not allowing users to click on buttons
-Fixed admin menu
-Fixed gun shell mesh being wrong on certain guns, adjusted shotgun shell ejection velocity/rotation
-Fixed HTC Vive taunt button for The Hide.
-Fixed cosmos controller offsets
-Fixed The Hide taunt button for Vive Wands
-Fixed godray in prophunt breaking in Industry
-Fixed issues with muting menu not working

-Fixed for TTT watch attaching incorrectly in high playercount, high latency lobbies.
-Improved Hypnotiser UX. Fix for Hypnotiser not auto-disabling when non-Hypnotist picks it up