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Pavlov VR News

Update 29

[h2]Unreal Engine 5 + OpenXR[/h2]
Pavlov has moved to Unreal Engine 5.1 and the OpenXR input standard. The physics system has additionally changed to Chaos. The benefits of upgrading the engine will become more apparent as the modders embrace better workflows and new engine features to make development much more enjoyable.

[h2]Lobby overhaul & Crossplay with Playstation VR2[/h2]

You can now play the standard maps and game modes with PS5 players via crossplay. No downgrades were necessary! Additionally, we overhauled the lobby and server browser experience to make more information accessible.


Sand has been completely overhauled and brought up to our current standards. The layout and theme is identical in keeping the spirit of the original. We have also added new “massacre” or night versions of Datacenter, Siberia, and Container Yard for the horror-sided game modes such as Zombies, Hide, and Infection.

[h2]New characters[/h2]

We now have a full ten-character roster for modern game modes. This has been something that has been a long time coming but quite a time-consuming effort to get here. Players will be randomly assigned a skin at the start of a match for the modern game modes.

[h2]Retiring Steam Workshop and In-Game Mod Browser[/h2]
As a result of upgrading the engine for Pavlov, all previously made content on the older version of Pavlov has been made incompatible. We used this opportunity to change our CDN for custom maps and mods.

With that, we have vastly improved the in-game mod browser. New sorting categories, search, details panel, update, and uninstall map allow you to manage your downloaded content without leaving the game. Multiple mods can be queued and arranged with the download manager.

The player experience will remain relatively the same as before. You do not need to register with Mod.io to download and play content. When you join a server playing a mod, the game will automatically download and join the match. You can now also finally cancel a download in progress!

If you still want to play the older workshop content, you can switch your Steam Beta branch to "Legacy" to access the old mods that will not be brought to Mod.io.

[h2]Game Mode Permutations for TDM/DM[/h2]
Weapon filters can be applied to modern Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. This will allow more exciting varieties of ways to play by letting you select which specific weapons will be available.

[h2]Audio Overhaul[/h2]
Updated weapon sounds to have more unique characteristics. There are also new reverb effects for better environment audio behaviors and a much more robust and improved audio occlusion system to help identify audio direction. We have also enhanced environmental audio to our maps to give them a much more lively feel.

[h2]New Guns[/h2]

We’re introducing the Russian PKM and Skorpian to round out further the factioning system we just implemented.

[h2]New IK system and Hand poses[/h2]

The move to the new engine brought the opportunity to rewrite the Inverse Kinematics system. We have additionally brought finger tracking to all the controllers to allow as many poses as allowed by the controller. Players can also lay on their stomachs and back in a prone position for all game modes except Search and Destroy.

[h2]Spawn system logic overhaul[/h2]
When your character is born again, the logic is vastly improved to spawn you away from enemies and close to friends. Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

[h2]Search and Destroy[/h2]
SnD has seen quite several changes. Faction-specific weapons have been introduced, meaning you can only purchase certain weapons depending on which faction you are playing as. We have also adjusted weapon balance and fixed many issues with this flagship game mode.

[h2]Team Indicators[/h2]
To prevent friendly fire incidents, we have added team indicators that provide teammate locations on the map. The team indicators we made small so not to be too intrusive and distracting but still provide essential information.


The classic infection game mode is now a hide variant. Instead of battling a single monster, you must fight your infected teammates who have died and become converted to the enemy. Can you survive before the timer runs out?

[h2]Prop Hunt[/h2]

Prop hunt is out of beta and ready for prime time! Prop hunt can be played with a few of the base vanilla maps. Prop hunt is a classic hide-and-seek game mode where a team of hunters must locate and eliminate a team of props who need to hide around the map and avoid detection until the time runs out.

New Roles, updated gadgets, and now the much-requested TTT classic, which is now a lobby selection option! Community server owners can also customize the features of TTT matches to put their ideal twist and flavor their communities.

[h2]Admin Menu for community servers[/h2]
Server owners and their moderators have more robust tools and features that will make managing players in-game easier.

Blood can now be completely disabled in the player options for those who have aversions to the sight of blood.

[h2]Pavlov TV[/h2]
A tool players can use to spectate SnD matches outside of VR. Many fixes and improvements to Pavlov TV have been addressed to improve the tournament casting experience. You can find the PavTV guide here on how to launch and use with our new Wiki.

[h2]Known Issues[/h2]
Because of the switch to a new engine and OpenXR, this may introduce some issues that you may run into getting the game to launch for the first time. We have created an FAQ to address some of the problems you may encounter . If you're you're still not able to get the game to launch or encounter some strange in-game behavior that you cannot solve in the FAQ; please email our support team at [email protected]

[h3]Open XR[/h3]
Switching your software to use OpenXR for the game to run correctly is essential.

For Meta/Oculus headsets, you will need to open your settings, then in the general tab there will be an OpenXR section to Set Oculus as active.

For SteamVR and Windows Mixed Reality headsets, Open SteamVR settings, then show the advanced tab, and ensure Current OpenXR Runtime is currently set to SteamVR.

[h3] Meta Headsets[/h3]
Due to some current issues Unreal Engine and the Oculus runtime, you will not be able to run the game in SteamVR mode with a Meta/Oculus headset without severe performance issues. It is recommended to launch the game using the Oculus mode to prevent performance issues for the time being. This is an issue that affects other games as well.

[h3]SteamVR Bindings[/h3]
The switch to OpenXR will affect currently customized bindings and will need to be reset. You can find out how in our troubleshooting FAQ.

[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]
There have been far too many subtle changes to list, but you can find our complete change log below.

Core Game
-Upgraded to Unreal 5.1 and OpenXR
-Added prone player poses and animations (not available
in SND)
-Added new 3rd person IK system
-Added new finger gestures for all controllers when applicable
-Added gun angle adjustment system to shooting range 3rd booth
-Added highlight to hip ammo pouches when your hand is near them
-Added a new version of Sand
-Added datacenter_night, siberia_night, containeryardnight
-Added new bullet hit reaction animation on 3rd person players
-Added vote cooldown of 60 seconds to prevent spam voting
-Added comfort options for a vignette on player movement
-Added new NATO and Russian characters
-Added function to randomize characters on GG, SnD, TDM
-Added trigger discipline hand poses for controllers with capacitive touch
-Added credits
-Added new moderation and sanction system
-Added new breakable glass particles for datacenter, zombie hospital, container yard
-Added EULA on the first launch
-Added new gibs to the headshot effect
-Added lights to the muzzle flashes
-Added teammate indicators (see indicators of friendlies through walls)
-Added new spawning logic, which tries to place you near teammates (if it’s a team-based game) and away from enemies. Then takes the best ~10+ locations and chooses the least used
-Added AFK kick system for inactive players (helps prevent ghost lobby hosts)
-Added bloom shader effect
-Adjusted player height with a 4% increase
-Adjusted player height to update occasionally
-Adjusted dollhouse scaling
-Adjusted controller forward vector when aiming up in cases of drastic verticality encounters
-Adjusted Ballistics Shield inventory offset
-Adjusted optimizations to items and pawns to use parents' bounds rather than recalculate them
-Adjusted ragdoll/dead body optimization
-Adjusted grab volume default location to better align with the hand
-Adjusted flashlight shader
-Adjusted Input bindings now take IsTouchpadInverted into account
-Adjusted weapon code to be more optimized
-Adjusted pawn animations to be more optimized
-Adjusted destruction system in datacenter
-Adjusted vehicle exit location when it can't find a valid place around the vehicle
-Adjusted ar9/ar/m16 charging handle animation
-Adjusted revolver trigger to have a slightly shorter pull (revolver/webley)
-Adjusted blood splat textures for better shot feedback
-Adjusted ragdoll physics
-Adjusted autosniper to use rifle ammo
-Adjusted objective icons and radius shader
-Adjusted hands vertex normals to increase visual fidelity slightly
-Fixed controller models when in the menu
-Fixed player desync from the vehicle interior
-Fixed loot spawn proxies not working in specific game modes
-Fixed old trigger animation issue with the hand not placed on the weapon
-Fixed crash due to a bullet being nullptr under some weird circumstances
-Fixed placing an item on the vest triggering an error sound due to it also overlapping a quick slot
-Fixed exploit with players being able to vote kick non-team members
-Fixed item desync where highlight mesh isn't in the exact location as the item on the server
-Fixed clients waking vehicles from sleep, causing desync on their end until the vehicle updates on the server
-Fixed tank interior LODs
-Fixed glowing player issue
-Fixed characters being able to extend items too far in hands
-Fixed ammo counter getting covered up by mg42 for lefties
-Fixed exploit allowing hands to go through the floor
-Fixed bunker collision issue
-Fixed out-of-bounds exploit in station
-Fixed decals being improperly applied
-Fixed radio being toggled while killed, causing it to continue sending static
-Fixed players using two active scopes attached to one camera
-Fixed mag insert bug causing hands to jump around
-Fixed right eye rendering not working
-Fixed LODS on prisoner skin
-Fixed guns and attachments culling too early and at different distances
-Fixed a map exploit in Stalingrad
-Fixed areas players could get stuck in hospital
-Fixed wrong gloves/hands being enabled for incorrect skin
-Fixed glass bullet holes decals clipping into other surfaces
-Fixed dirt particles dropping frames
-Fixed team selection not being honored in lobbies
-Fixed bayonets and destroyed vehicles receiving decals

-Added new guns (ID: skorpian, pkm)
-Added new smoke grenade shader
-Added smoke grenade trail effect when thrown
-Adjusted hunting rifle striker animation, which behaves like the WWII bolt actions now
-Adjusted magazine slide to remove an extra frame
-Adjusted shooting yourself in the head will now pop your helmet on the first shot to prevent it from taking 3-4 bullets with some guns
-Adjusted prices for SMGs, bizon 1200, akshorty 1600, vector 1550, ar9 1400, p90 1700
-Adjusted autosniper to be automatic, removed red dot/holo attachment, adjusted recoil, magazine to 20+1 from 14+1, price 2600, kill bonus 300, damage 20
-Adjusted vzz kill bonus 200, armor damage 50, helmet damage 50, falloff .75, max falloff 3500
-Adjusted tracers and muzzle flash to be more optimized
-Adjusted WWII bolt action animations to be more realistic
-Adjusted trigger animations on WWII weapons
-Adjusted lmga belt replication
-Adjusted bullet shell collision
-Adjusted the m4 and sks stocks to animate
-Fixed a flash grenade exploit
-Fixed vehicle blocking volumes on Stalingrad

Core UI
-Added ability to pass lobby leader to another player
-Added a new mod browser menu for content management
-Added onboarding UI
-Added Admin menu for community server moderators
-Added new splash screens
-Added new voting UI for end match and player kick
-Added new loading screen tips
-Added new killfeed UI, also now highlights your kills
-Added haptic intensity slider to settings
-Added new name tag style and name tag variations (can be changed in settings)
-Added Infection and Prop Hunt to lobby drop-down
-Added compatibility filtering for map selection depending on game mode support
-Added OutOfBounds death icon
-Added new death card UI
-Added new tooltips
-Added new headshot killfeed icon
-Added new friends/player management
-Added notification system
-Added new watch UI
-Added UI depth transparency
-Added scroll bars to necessary UI elements
-Added "Get Ready" UI with freeze time to DM, TDM, and GunGame before the round begins for offline
-Added more gore options in the settings menu (no blood)
-Added new killhouse UIs
-Added filters for crossplay, Prop Hunt, KOTH, and Infection. Removed Maps filter tab from the server browser
-Added scaling name size for the scoreboard, nametags, and vote screen dynamically
-Added new objective markers
-Added talking icon to player list menu (to indicate who is being abusive on the mic)
-Added lobby type selection (Crossplay or non-crossplay/mods)
-Added new lobby UI
-Adjusted Ammocounter infinite ammo to "inf"
-Adjusted autosniper killfeed icon to remove the scope
-Adjusted post-match to allow extra time to display the score in community servers
-Adjusted post-death information to determine the length in meters
-Adjusted vote menu to notify players the other team is voting or if you need to open the menu to vote
-Adjusted how profile pictures are pulled, fixing an issue with dark contrast
-Adjusted scrolling to be smoother in all menus
-Adjusted lobby pin is now hidden unless hovered over (for streamers)
-Fixed icon getting culled in push/koth

-Added vehicle dashboard animations for the ATV, Kubel, Willys
-Added painted variant for Willys (id: willys_svt)
-Added recenter while in vehicles
-Added vehicle (ID: motorcycle)
-Added capsule shadows to vehicles (high settings)
-Adjusted upside-down vehicles to flip on enter
-Fixed exploit method on pulling a magazine from a holstered weapon

-Added new grab sounds
-Added audio reverb volumes to all maps
-Added new audio occlusion system
-Added new environment audio to all base maps
-Added kill volume death sounds to Bridge and Station
-Added vehicle impact sounds
-Added low ammo-suppressed notification
-Added new audio stingers for round start/end and match start/end for all game modes
-Added Intro and menu music
-Added match-end music to specific game modes
-Added landing sounds from a player dropping down from heights
-Adjusted sounds for guns
-Adjusted weapon drop impact sounds based on floor material and weight
-Adjusted audio system to prevent clipping/distortion
-Adjusted footstep sounds
-Adjusted sound voice priority changes to prevent clipping
-Adjusted flash bang not to give hit feedback to the thrower

-Added kill progression notification sound and global alert for the last weapon reached

-Added the skorpion to the zombie table
-Adjusted Zombie footstep sounds
-Fixed zombies being silent behind players

-Adjusted grenade section of the tutorial
-Fixed grenade voice line on reverb controllers

Search and Destroy
-Added SnD timer to watch
-Added a system to SND to assign a unique skin to each player on the team
-Added bomb carrier indicator for the offensive team during player possession
-Added weapon factioning
-Added a new competitive waiting room environment (prevents info leaking to the team)
-Adjusted animation to defuse clippers
-Adjusted SND for total loss bonus for players that join mid-game
-Adjusted all bomb height locations to a standard
-Fixed SnD pistol round loss bonus. The player should get 2200$ on join when the pistol round is lost.
-Fixed SnD 900$ cash bonus
-Fixed SnD bomb not highlighting when hidden by bodies
-Fixed random death on round start in a few rare instances
-Removed bonus for planting + attacking team all dead on round end when the round is lost
-Removed proximity chat and global chat with spectating players when comp mode is enabled

-Adjusted the tanktdm buy menu to include all WWII guns. Also, put them in order: US, Ger, Svt, Eng
-Fixed Soviets receiving US grenades on tanktdm (Stalingrad)
-Fixed ww2 loot crates spawning modern pills/syringes

-Added TTT Classic (RCON: tttclassic)
-Added new roles: Zombie, Hypnotist
-Added new soulmate role and adjusted Jester, Survivalist, and Glitch to be used in Community servers only
-Added damage reflection for Jester's role when they shoot an Innocent
-Added a vast amount of community server customization via JSON files.
-Added new nametag
-Added new TTT watch UI
-Added player role icons above player heads
-Added Assassin icon for TTT UI
-Added end screen context when round end called by RCON
-Added teleport visual effect
-Added disguiser arm UI
-Added TTT Karma Infraction mechanic
-Added logic to prevent players from being able to buy body armor when they've already been given it on role selection
-Added MassRDMThreshold var for TTT Community servers
-Added 30% chance to receive grenade on spawn
-Added red dots to compatible weapons on spawn
-Added new TTT Radar Icon
-Added new DNA scanner
-Added new detective hat
-Added a random skin button to the skin menu
-Adjusted TTT Karma unique ID to use Platform ID now.
-Adjusted role color to reflect in corpse scan UI
-Adjusted detective kross fire rate from 1200 to 1000.
-Adjusted Jester's role with a significant overhaul
-Adjusted corpse information UI
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role to now purchase all gadgets
-Adjusted flare gun to have unlimited ammo
-Adjusted psychopath role threshold to 10+ players instead of 11+
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role is to no longer be capped to 1 per round
-Adjusted monocular to be purchasable by traitor team
-Adjusted role selection algorithm
-Adjusted reward system
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role to no longer purchase ballistics shield, antitank, golden gun, detective gun
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role to 30% chance if there are 10 players or more
-Adjusted detectivesmg, Added .75 falloff, Max 2000 fall-off distance
-Fixed suicide bombing and traitor trades cause the innocents to win instead of the traitors.
-Fixed for TTT End Screen UI not updating
-Fixed invalid dead info on jester backfire kill
-Fixed other detective roles not receiving additional karma loss for RDM.
-Fixed Flaregun giving sniper ammo exploit
-Fixed traitor percentages in TTT
-Fixed players seeing every role when suicide just before the round starts
-Fixed problems with karma and solo teams
-Fixed TTT golden gun
-Fixed monocular issues
-Fixed teleporter teleporting when the item gets dropped during the windup
-Fixed mercenary not having a role icon
-Fixed TTT skin menu auto closing in pre-round
-Fixed Teleporter to no longer receive decals
-Removed autosniper from load-outs

-Adjusted scoreboard to label tickets
-Adjusted Stalingrad vehicle spawns for push
-Fixed out-of-bound revive exploit
-Fixed push markers overlapping hand/gun
-Fixed push siren audio cutting out

-Added new music and stingers
-Fixed teamkilling, putting players on infected teams.
-Fixed hunters not getting points on a kill
-Removed knife from buy menu in Infection
-Removed infection monster helmet pop

Gun Game
-Adjusted Gun Game match end podium UI

-Added sounds for KOTH objective change control
-Fixed bots not receiving guns in KOTH

The Hide
-Added resupply crates
-Adjusted spawn logic so different locations on the map are selected each round for the Aurora team
-Adjusted Hide weapon interaction logic to be less exploitable
-Adjusted score to now increment on round end based on winning team
-Adjusted tooltips to only spawn once
-Fixed Teamkills and Suicides registering as kills in The Hide scoreboard
-Fixed the last man check.
-Fixed monster aura transferring to aurora player next round
-Fixed vote kick exploit against the monster
-Removed the ability to revive the enemy team

Prop Hunt
-Added Prop Hunt to bridge, datacenter, datacenter_night, bunker, station, station_night, santorini, santorini_night, containeryard containeryard_night, industry,
-Added function to auto-assigned a prop on spawn
-Added Sounds for Prop Hunt death
-Added elimination announcement audio
-Added new blinding effect for hunter round start
-Added new scoreboard UI
-Added community server JSON support to Prop Hunt
-Added smooth turn rate reduction when precision moving as a prop
-Added prop ability to lock in place while touching a wall.
-Adjusted jumping logic, Increased hunter jump height slightly, and improved validity checks for hunter jump manager
-Adjusted hunters not to take damage from rockets
ed hunter team to ignore bullets
-Adjusted prop size required to make hands invisible.
-Adjusted Prop Hunt player sizing and offsets
-Adjusted how starting props are assigned
-Scaled capsule radius to fit minimum XY dimension of prop
-Removed RPG backblast damage in Prop Hunt

-Added a weapon filter to lobbies so players can mix and match weapons and items available
-Adjusted the equipment snapshot so players can go back to random by respawning without weapons or an item in hand
-Adjusted equipment snapshot to give you a grenade and knife if you don’t have one.

-Added the skorpion to Hunt
-Adjusted mines to clean up between successful waves

-added pause match RCON command for SND (PauseMatch 60 pauses the match for 60 seconds at the next round start)
-Alphabetized RCON help command
-Fixed AddMod command (requires map rotate)
-Added new commands: AddMapRotation*, RemoveMapRotation*, ShowNametags*, SetMaxPlayers*, EnableCompMode*, SetTimeLimit*, SetBalanceTableURL*, EnableVerboseLogging*, EnableWhitelist*, UpdateServerName*, InspectTeam, InspectAll, TTTFlushKarma, TTTSetKarma, TTTSetRole, TTTEndRound, TTTPauseTimer, TTTAlwaysEnableSkinMenu, TTTGiveCredits, Teleport, ShutdownServer

*RCON command will edit the config file.

Verbose Logging for Community Servers
-Fixed All stats dump from verbose logging not resetting
-Adjusted verbose logging to create a stat file per each match instead; the file name will be Stats_DATE-TIME
-Adjusted logging methods; it will now create a file in Saved/Stats folder called Stats.log (legacy still supported)

Pav TV
-Adjusted top score toggle to also toggle side nametags
-Fixed SnD bomb showing as a knife for player inventories
-Fixed toggle top score
-Fixed hide nametags not working
-Fixed time selection bar not working
-Fixed F3 set camera location
-Fixed PavTV movement
-Fixed PavTV Spectator not being able to XRay
-Fixed hand animations and location for both hands in 1st person
-Fixed "L" bind blanking screen
-Fixed competitive mode sorting
-Fixed utility not despawning between rounds

-Added modkit function to give TTT Credits in GlobalInfo
-Added modkit toggle to enable/disable prone
-Added Traitor action icon
-Added bPreventNormalRoundEndings for TTT modders
-Exposed various Pavlov classes to the modkit
-Added FootstepModifier setup to Pavlov_AudioVolume, which will pass the param to the footstep sound to add in the modifier sounds (glass, leaves, wet, creaky)
-Added another gun example (AK47)
-Added a bandage example (healing item)
-Added a pipe (attach proxy)
-Added a knife (knife class)
-Updated the bullet tester bp/ bullet examples
-Redid the trigger discipline bp to include testing for trigger pull animation
-Added a hand tester bp for vrhandles (items/guns)
-Added helper function to the gun to spawn pooled shells
-CustomItems have been deprecated and will no longer spawn. Please use VRItems instead
-HandProxys parent changed to the controller
-Fixed modkit hand proxy overlaps
-Fixed disable ejection on vehicle flip flag
-if Pavlov_Spawns are found on the map with HideSpawn tag, then it will remove all the spawn points without the tag (for hide/infection only). If it's not these game modes, the spawn points will be removed from the map
-Fixed mod manager not adding mounted paks to the array
-Removed reference to the definition on dedicated servers before unmounting the pak when we download a new version

Update 29 Final beta

We’re on the home stretch for Update 29 release. This will be our final beta before release. We will use this opportunity to get the update in the players' hands to receive feedback for bugs and issues. Once we have finalized the update after beta testing, the build will get submitted to Sony Playstation for review. This is necessary as we must have the compiled builds on both platforms on the same version to ensure crossplay compatibility. While crossplay will not be enabled for this beta test, it will be for the final release.

We also want to address the elephant in the room regarding feedback we have received from the last new post. We want to clarify that Pavlov is on a different engine version from the previous update. Despite moving from Workshop to Mod.io, the maps would have been incompatible, and we have to start with a fresh slate regardless. We intend to keep a branch available to those who still want to play legacy content.

[h3]Join us in the Steam Beta[/h3]
Here is how to access the beta on Steam:
  • Right-click Pavlov VR in Steam
  • Go to properties
  • Click Betas Tab
  • Select "beta" from the drop-down

We want your participation to stress test this beta for yourself and provide some feedback! Join our discord!

[h3]Lobby overhaul & Crossplay[/h3]
Our original implementation for crossplay was a subpar and confusing player experience after internal testing. We have since refactored crossplay code and UI to be during the lobby creation process. PC Players will choose between crossplay with PSVR2 (mods disabled) or for PC Only (mods enabled). Once the selection has been made, that lobby will stay as that selection until all players leave and the lobby is closed.

We have also refactored the lobby UI and added the ability for the host to promote someone else to be the lobby leader.

Crossplay will not work in this beta and will be available on Update 29 full release due to PSVR2 needing the same client build.

[h3]New Mod Browser[/h3]
The new mod browser makes it easier to find and install mods. You can browse mods by category, popularity, or newest mods. You can also search for specific mods by name or keyword and manage your downloads without exiting the game.

[h3]Game Mode Permutations for TDM/DM[/h3]
We have added weapon filtering permutations to Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch. You can also customize the availability of each weapon or toggle entire categories with ease.

[h3]New Character Models[/h3]
We have finally completed the Nato and Russian player models for 5v5 search and destroy. Player models will be assigned randomly at the start of matches.

[h3]Search and Destroy Improvements[/h3]
Search and destroy was improved with several new features. The scoreboard timer now aligns with the bomb timer countdown for improved round accuracy and putting the bomb timer clock on the player's wristwatch.

[h3]Team Indicators[/h3]
You can now see your teammates through occluded objects like walls and floors to help locate their current position in real-time. There is additionally a bomb carrier indicator for Search and Destroy for that little bit of extra info.

[h3]Additional Modkit Features[/h3]
After beta testing the new modkit on Unreal Engine 5.1, we have received a lot of wonderful feedback from the community and have added some additional features to help with some of the pain points modders have experienced. This includes in-editor utilities for the new trigger discipline, zeroing weapon sights, bullet velocity, and shell ejection. We have additionally added more gun and item examples.

To that one guy that kept asking for bloom, we added it. Stop bothering us about it, okay? Bloom is a shader effect to make things more pretty.

[h3]Audio [/h3]
Our audio engineers have made more strides to provide subtle environmental audio to our base maps and musical stingers and build-ups for all our game modes.

There have been many further optimizations under the hood to help improve performance over the last few betas to help keep the game running as lean as possible.

[h3]Spawn system logic overhaul[/h3]
The spawning system has been overhauled to help prevent spawning on top of enemies for cheap deaths or kills. You are more likely to spawn away from enemies and closer to Teammates.

[h3]Volumetric smokes[/h3]
More work has gone into the smoke grenades to prevent unbalanced visual information and volumetric shaders.

We have revamped items like the DNA scanner and added a few new roles to TTT game mode. There is a new zombie, soulmate, and hypnotist role. The Karma system was adjusted to be more robust against griefing, and a final UI revamp

[h3]Ability to remove blood [/h3]
With the addition of disabling gore, you can now disable blood entirely.


-Added new splash screen images
-Added recenter while in vehicles
-Added compatibility filtering for map selection depending on game mode support
-Added Russian 3 & 4 and Nato 3, 4, & 5 characters
-Added new revamped offset adjustment system in shooting range
-Added lights to the muzzle flashes
-Added capsule shadows to vehicles (high settings)
-Added new name tag system for location teammates through walls
-Added more gore options in settings menu (no blood)
-Added new spawning logic, tries to place you near teammates (if its a team based game) and away from enemies. Then takes the best ~10+ locations and chooses the least used
-Added bloom shader effect
-Adjusted player height with 4% increase
-Adjusted hunting rifle striker animation, behaves like the ww2 bolt actions now
-Adjusted magazine slide to remove an extra frame
-Adjusted game modes that have freeze time to spawn in pre-round
-Adjusted pawn logic and animations to be more optimized, added pooling managers for optimization
-Adjusted hands vertex normals to increase visual fidelity slightly
-Adjusted flashlight noise power on the beam
-Fixed a crash related to tanks
-Fixed mag insert bug causing hands to jump around
-Fixed right eye rendering not working
-Fixed LODS on prisoner skin
-Fixed dollhouse mode so it's back to how it use to be
-Fixed VRHandle causing hand flicker for a frame on release
-Fixed guns culling too early
-Fixed attachment culling issues.
-Fixed a map exploit in Stalingrad
-Fixed areas players could get stuck in hospital
-Fixed light bleed in some areas of Sand
-Fixed destroyed tanks still showing occupancy in the team indicator
-Fixed roundstart stereo counting down from 7 seconds instead of standard 15 for TDM, DM, GG, OITC in servers (offline counts from 7)
-Fixed wrong gloves/hands being enabled for incorrect skin
-Fixed knife throwing logic
-Fixed a flash grenade exploit
-Fixed glass bullet holes decals clipping into other surfaces
-Fixed dirt particles dropping frames
-Fixed team selection not being honored in lobbies

-Added ability to pass lobby leader to another player
-Added new killhouse UIs
-Added new mod browser menu for content management
-Added filters for crossplay, Prophunt, KOTH, Infection. Removed Maps filter tab from server browser
-Added name tag none support to TTT and The Hide Nametags.
-Added dynamically scaling name size for scoreboard, nametags, vote screen
-Added new objective markers
-Added speaking icon to overlay on top of avatar in nametags
-Added talking icon to player list menu (to indicate who is being abusive on mic)
-Added lobby type selection (Crossplay or non-crossplay/mods)
-Added new lobby UI
-Added crossplay icon to server browser
-Adjusted scrolling to be smoother in all menus
-Adjusted lobby pin is now hidden unless hovered over (for streamers)
-Adjusted round start UI to always be in the cameras view
-Adjusted Admin menu layout and sizing
-Adjusted Watch bar proportions
-Adjusted watch to show "--:--" on tutorial or no gamemode.
-Fixed OITC end screen showing wrong out-of number
-Fixed main menu tooltip wording
-Fixed credits screen
-Fixed issue where vote screen does not highlight unselected players
-Fixed nametag scaling issues
-Fixed nametags after death showing incorrect health value
-Removed "match begins in" screen when playing offline w/ no bots

-Added Intro and menu music
-Added Prop Hunt hunter blinder loop
-Added soundmix to fade out/in match end music when menuverse music is playing
-Added sounds for KOTH objective change control
-Adjusted Round start sound for WW2 gun game
-Adjusted WW2/Modern Gun Game to play match end stingers depending on mode
-Adjusted Stingers and cues for all game modes
-Fixed layered or incorrect round/match end sounds playing
-Fixed delayed sound on first shots after map load
-Disabled Virtualization for taser shock sound
-Removed crow sounds from main menu background in menu verse
-Fixed for thrown knife twirling sound effect not playing in some circumstances

-Fixed grenade voiceline on reverb controllers

-Added SnD timer to watch
-Added system to SND to assign a unique skin to each player on the team
-Added bomb carrier indicator for offensive team to be seen through walls

-Added new lock in place icon
-Adjusted jumping logic, Increased hunter jump height slightly and improved validity checks for hunter jump manager
-Improved how starting props are assigned
-Removed inner prop hunt blinder

-Adjusted out of bounds arrow
-Fixed push vehicle randomly killing someone by impact
-Fixed Push out of bounds showing in main menu

-Adjusted the tanktdm buy menu to include all WWII guns. Also put them in order: US, Ger, Svt, Eng
-Fixed soviets receiving US grenades on tanktdm (Stalingrad)
-Fixed ww2 loot crates spawning modern pills/syringes

-Added Hypnotiser role
-Added Soulmate role (Community server setting only)
-Added new TTT Radar Icon
-Added new DNA scanner
-Added new detective hat
-Added random skin button to skin menu
-Added logic to prevent players from being able to buy body armor when they've already been given it on role selection
-Added red dots to compatible weapons on spawn
-Adjusted skin to be set to random unless selected by player
-Adjusted game mode logic to remember last selected skin on next round
-Adjusted innocent badge color
-Adjusted Golden Gun team kill now revives killed player after 5 seconds
-Adjusted DNA lifetime to increase falloff to 30 meters
-Fixed TTT golden gun
-Fixed monocular issues
-Fixed teleporter teleporting when item is dropped during windup
-Fixed mercenary not having a role icon
-Fixed Teleporter to no longer receive decals
-Fixed TTT skin menu auto closing in pre round
-Removed PKM from TTT loadouts

-Added new resupply crate type mesh
-Adjusted spawn logic so different locations on the map are selected each round for Aurora team
-Adjusted score to now increment on round end based on winning team
-Adjusted soldiers to no longer get weapons on revive
-Adjusted monsters no longer get grenades on revive
-Adjusted tooltips to only spawn once
-Removed ability to revive
-Fixed issues with broken loot spawn grabbing not working on certain items
-Fixed meshes not highlighting for Heavy resupply crate

-Adjusted score to now increment on round end based on winning team
-Adjusted tooltips to only spawn once
-Fixed infection monster not being reselected when original monster leaves match.

-Adjusted the equipment snapshot so players can go back to random by respawning without weapons or an item in hand
-Adjusted equipment snapshot to give you a grenade and knife if you don’t have one.

Comp Room
-Added projector
-Fixed exploit in comp room

-Added modkit function to give TTT Credits in GlobalInfo
-Added modkit toggle to enable/disable prone
-Added Traitor action icon
-Added bPreventNormalRoundEndings for TTT modders
-Exposed various pavlov classes to the modkit
-Added FootstepModifier setup to Pavlov_AudioVolume, will pass the param to the footstep sound to add in the modifier sounds (glass, leaves, wet, creaky)
-Added another gun example (AK47)
-Added a bandage example (healing item)
-Added a pipe (attach proxy)
-Added a knife (knife class)
-Updated the bullet tester bp/ bullet examples
-Redid the trigger dicipline bp to include testing for trigger pull animation
-Added a hand tester bp for vrhandles (items/guns)
-Added helper function to the gun to spawn pooled shells
-CustomItems have been deprecated and will no longer spawn. Please use VRItems instead
-HandProxys parent changed to the controller
-Fixed modkit hand proxy overlaps
-Fixed disable ejection on vehicle flip flag
-Fixed modkit spawning two items in same slot causing them both to appear in that slot
-Fixed an issue where the definition wouldn't be reloaded client side after updating a mod
-if Pavlov_Spawns are found on the map with HideSpawn tag then it will remove all the spawn points without the tag (for hide/infection only). If it's not these gamemodes the spawn points will be removed from the map
-Fixed mod manager not adding mounted paks to array
-Removed reference to definition on dedicated server prior to unmounting the pak when we download a new version

Update 29 FAQ

[h3]Why is the modkit taking so long?[/h3]
We are continuing to work on the mod.io integration and some of the newer features. We are trying to make upgrading your UE 4.21 content as easy as possible.

[h3]Why is the update taking so long?[/h3]
We're trying to get Unreal on a stable version that will work with all the platforms we currently plan to service. For example, we have to upgrade to 5.1.1, and perhaps we may have to upgrade again to 5.2.

[h3]What has the team worked on since the last beta?[/h3]
  • We have been working on new map designs and other assets for both Pavlov Shack and Pavlov.
  • Optimizing current maps and beginning a new process for revamping the lighting
  • Added our new intro and main menu theme song composed by Anthony Casalena
  • Overhauled the offset adjuster in the shooting range based on feedback
  • Addressed some launching issues for some folks who could not run the beta
  • Refactoring our server infrastructure for more robust reliability and content delivery.
  • New Russian character added
  • Various bugs have been addressed, large and small
  • Fixed right eye rendering setting that broke in the 4.21 engine

Sneak peek of our one of our newest maps in development, Autumn, which will come after Update 29.

[h3]Why is Vankrupt Games partnering with Mod.io, rather than using Workshop?[/h3]
mod.io is a cross-platform UGC solution for our needs as we expand platforms. This allows for easy content delivery networks that is universal. We are launching with PC support, with Meta Quest and PSVR versions with in-game integration to follow. Partnering with mod.io ensures we can provide official mod support to all Pavlov VR players, regardless of platform or store preference.

[h3]On which platforms can I access mods?[/h3]
For the update's release, PC platforms (Steam) will have access to official mod support. All players can view and download mods directly in-game, or on the mod.io website. Support for other VR platforms, including Meta Quest and PSVR2, may follow.

[h3]What can Mod.io do that Steam Workshop can't?[/h3]
We can finally cancel in-progress downloads! This was previously not available on the PC version of Pavlov due to limitations of the Steam Workshop API. Additionally, we can now download/upload mods for specific platforms to split the server/client files, so you don't have to download both.

Additionally, this could also open the door for some degree of cross-play mods between Shack and PC that players can choose to opt into. This would not affect the integrity of the PC version of Pavlov as we will continue to generate content with a high level of fidelity that the PC and PSVR2 have.

[h3]I don't want to lose all of the old mods, why can't you just keep Workshop?[/h3]
The engine upgrade will break all of the legacy mods on 4.21 whether or not we use Mod.io. Older Unreal Engine version content is not backwards compatible with newer engine versions.

[h3]Will the experience differ for VR Platforms versus PC players?[/h3]
Vankrupt Games is partnering with mod.io to provide continuity of experience for all players. PC, Meta, and PSVR players can play this content as part of Pavlov VR. Some mod content may only be available on PC, due to technical limitations and other factors.

[h3]Why are you releasing on PC first, and then VR Platforms later?[/h3]
The reason we are staging the rollout beginning with PC is to ensure mods are ready for all players, and PC allows for faster iteration, testing, and improvements. This will also ensure our release to VR platforms will be fully populated with mods created by our passionate PC community.

[h3]Do I need a mod.io account to submit or play mods?[/h3]
To submit mods created for Pavlov VR, Creators must create an account with mod.io.

Players can download mods without a mod.io account. However, you can create a mod.io account to manage a mod collection, rate content, and comment on mods. Account creation is simple, requiring email or Steam authentication for the user. Once a mod.io user account has been created, players can browse, rate, and comment. In the future, we will implement subscribing to mods via the mod.io website.

[h3]Will I still be able to play the workshop content?[/h3]
You will no longer be able to access workshop content on Update 29. However, we will create a legacy branch so you can switch to an older version of Pavlov and access the content currently in Workshop. Server binaries for Update 28 will still be available for community server owners.

[h3]When will update 29 officially release?[/h3]
We will continue to iterate on the Pavlov Beta branch during the PSVR2 launch. This will be beneficial for several reasons. We want to ease into the crossplay functionality so we can monitor the performance of the new backend systems and address any potential issues to ensure a more smooth official release for PC. This will also give the content creators who are creating Modkit content ample time to update their projects and experiment with the new features.

[h3]Can PSVR2 players access mods or custom maps?[/h3]
Currently, at launch, PSVR2 will only be able to access the base maps and game modes included with the game. In the future, we are going to work towards Vankrupt curated mods that are accessible to PSVR2. We do not have an ETA to share at this time.

[h3]What does "curated mods" mean? [/h3]
We will need to verify the assets are legally obtained by the map/mod authors, and that they do not contain objectionable content that would be considered too offensive, and make sure content is properly optimized. Curation only applies to potential PSVR2 mods. PC will not be curated.

[h3]Does PSVR2 have features the PC version does not? [/h3]

  • Adaptive trigger features unique behavior on a per gun level
  • Eye tracking for the character's eyes
  • HMD haptics on head damage

In summary, we want to create a new foundation for Pavlov to operate with. We aim to be platform agnostic and future proofed for the years to come with the inclusion of OpenXR, expansion of the modkit, engine upgrade, game polish, bug resolution, and new features.

We can't help but feel very thankful for your patience as 2022 was an extremely trying year for the team as we transition to these new systems. We want to keep Pavlov fresh and a viable VR title for the years to come.

Update 29 Beta

Notice: Steam VR beta branch is causing memory leak issues and crashing. If you are experiencing performance issues, ensure your runtime is not using the SteamVR beta.

Blood, sweat, and many, many tears went into Pavlov's development in 2022. Finally, after several engine upgrade iterations, we are ready to show you all a peak into Update 29.

This update brings forth the Unreal 5.1 upgrade and our conversion to the OpenXR standard to future-proof Pavlov for the years to come. This update comes with several overhauls, bug fixes, and new features.

[h3]Join us in the Steam Beta[/h3]
Here is how to access the beta on Steam:
  • Right-click Pavlov VR in Steam
  • Go to properties
  • Click Betas Tab
  • Select "beta" from the drop-down

We want your participation to stress test this beta for yourself and provide some feedback! Join our discord!

We completely overhauled Sand to bring the art direction up to the standards of our other maps. We are also introducing horror versions of Datacenter, Siberia, and Container Yard.

[h2]New characters for Nato and Russians[/h2]
Modern game modes will now utilize a variety of new character models. More characters to come!

[h2]UI Overhauls[/h2]
Various aspects of the UI have been reworked. We're introducing onboarding for new players, loading screen tips, Name tag variations, watch UI, voting, death card, and more!

We're introducing matchmaking! We currently have casual matchmaking, with ranked matchmaking to be included later.

[h2]Modkit and Retiring Steam Workshop for Mod.io[/h2]
This engine upgrade means custom maps from the previous version of Pavlov VR will not be compatible with this update. Map makers and modders will need to upgrade their content using the new modkit to support the update.

It has also come time to retire the Steam Workshop and move the content delivery network to Mod.io. This migration is necessary to provide a reliable content delivery network independent of Steam.

The modkit beta will be released at a later time soon. Stay tuned on discord!

[h2]New Guns[/h2]
We have added two new weapons, PKM and Skorpion.

[h2]New IK system[/h2]
Pavlov's inverse kinematics are into a new system with more animation blending and the addition of prone! Prone is not available for SnD. Mod creators can also disable prone if they so choose.

Infection has joined the family of game modes! It's now part of the lobby selection of game modes. A permutation of The Hide where if the monster kills a player, they become infected and turn into a monster on respawn. The round continues until Aurora soldiers survive the match or all have been infected.

[h2]Prop Hunt[/h2]
Now out of beta and supports the following night/day versions of maps:
Bridge, Datacenter, Bunker, Station, Santorini, and Containeryard

Prop Hunt lets players on the 'prop' team explore the map and select a prop or item in the map who will then clone that object. During this time, the hunters are blinded in the pre-round. Props must be clever and find a location on the map to help them hide in plain sight. When the round starts, hunters must find and eliminate all the player props on the map. A hunter trying to shoot a prop that is not a player will see a reduction in health. The round ends when all props are eliminated or the round timer ends.

TTT has also seen quite a rework, and we're also introducing customization features for community server owners to make their permutations of TTT.

Most importantly, TTT classic is now also in the game.

[h2]Search and Destroy[/h2]
Weapon factioning is now implemented. We have also tweaked some issues with the economy for late joining players and addressing issues with the bonus system.

[h2]Admin Menu for Community Servers[/h2]
The admin menu has returned for community server moderators with new features to help moderate your community live in the game.

[h2]Plans for Update 29 Release[/h2]
The official launch of the next update will come next year as we want to provide ample opportunity for the modding and mapping community to experiment with the modkit and bring their content into 5.1 while addressing issues currently in the beta.

At the same time, we want to monitor feedback and address reported issues from the player base.

[H2]Patch Notes[/h2]

Core Game
-Added new guns (ID: skorpian, pkm)
-Added prone player poses and animations (not available
in SND)
-Added vehicle (ID: motorcycle)
-Added new body IK system
-Added new finger gestures for all controllers when applicable
-Added gun angle adjustment system to shooting range 3rd booth
-Added highlight hip ammo pouches when your hand is near them
-Added new version of Sand
-Added datacenter_night, siberia_night, containeryardnight
-Added vehicle dashboard animations for the ATV, Kubel, Willys
-Added painted variant for willys (id: willys_svt)
-Added new bullet hit reaction animation on players
-Added vote cooldown of 60 seconds to prevent spam voting
Added comfort options for vignette on player movement
-Added new Nato and Russian characters
-Added function to randomize characters on GG, SnD, TDM
-Added trigger discipline hand poses for controllers with capacitive touch
-Added credits
-Added new moderation and sanction system
-Added a new competitive waiting room environment (prevents info leaking to the team)
-Added new breakable glass particles for datacenter, zombie hospital, container yard
-Added EULA on the first launch
-Added new gibs to the headshot effect
-Adjusted smoke effect and added smoke trail when thrown
-Adjusted upside-down vehicles to flip on enter
-Adjusted player height to update occasionally
-Adjusted dollhouse scaling
-Adjusted grenade section of the tutorial
-Adjusted controller forward vector when aiming up
-Adjusted trigger animations on WWII weapons
-Adjusted Ballistics Shield inventory offset
-Adjusted lmga belt replication
-Adjusted optimizations to items and pawns to use parents' bounds rather than recalculate them
-Adjusted ragdoll/dead body optimization
-Adjusted bullet shell collision
-Adjusted grab volume default location to better align with the hand
-Adjusted the m4 and sks stock to animate
-Adjusted flashlight shader
-Adjusted Input bindings now take IsTouchpadInverted into account
-Adjusted guns code to be more optimized
-Adjusted pawn animations to be more optimized
-Adjusted shooting yourself in the head will now pop your helmet on the first shot to prevent it from taking 3-4 bullets with some guns
-Adjusted destruction system in datacenter
-Adjusted vehicle exit location when it can't find a valid place around the vehicle
-Adjusted ar9/ar/m16 charging handle animation
-Adjusted revolver trigger to have a slightly shorter pull (revolver/webley)
-Adjusted blood splat textures for better shot feedback
-Adjusted ragdoll physics
-Adjusted autosniper to use rifle ammo
-Adjusted objective icons and radius shader
-Adjusted tracers and muzzle flash to be more optimized
-Adjusted WWII bolt action animations to be more realistic
-Adjusted prices for SMGs, bizon 1200, akshorty 1600, vector 1550, ar9 1400, p90 1700
-Adjusted autosniper to be automatic, removed red dot/holo attachment, adjusted recoil, magazine to 20+1 from 14+1, price 2600, kill bonus 300, damage 20
-Adjusted vzz kill bonus 200, armor damage 50, helmet damage 50, falloff .75, max falloff 3500
-Fixed controller models when in the menu
-Fixed player desync from the vehicle interior
-Fixed loot spawn proxies not working in specific game modes
-Fixed old trigger animation issue with the hand not placed on the weapon
-Fixed crash due to a bullet being nullptr under some weird circumstances
-Fixed placing an item on the vest triggering an error sound due to it also overlapping a quick slot
-Fixed exploit with players being able to vote kick non-team members
-Fixed item desync where highlight mesh isn't in the same location as the item on the server
-Fixed clients waking vehicles from sleep, causing desync on their end until the vehicle updates on the server
-Fixed tank interior LODs
-Fixed glowing player issue
-Fixed characters being able to extend items too far in hands
-Fixed ammo counter getting covered up by mg42 for lefties
-Fixed exploit allowing hands to go through the floor
-Fixed bunker collision issue
-Fixed out-of-bounds exploit station
-Fixed exploit method on pulling a magazine from a holstered weapon
-Fixed vehicle blocking volumes on Stalingrad
-Fixed decals being improperly applied
-Fixed radio being toggled while killed, causing it to continue sending static
-Fixed players using two active scopes attached to one camera

Core UI
-Added onboarding UI
-Added Admin menu for community server moderators
-Added new splash screens
-Added new voting UI for end match and player kick
-Added new loading screen tips
-Added new killfeed UI, also now highlights your kills
-Added haptic intensity slider to settings
-Added new name tag style and name tag variations (can be changed in settings)
-Added Infection and Prophunt to lobby drop-down
-Added OutOfBounds death icon
-Added new death card UI
-Added new tooltips
-Added new headshot killfeed icon
-Added new friends/player management
-Added notification system
-Added new watch UI
-Added UI depth transparency
-Added scroll bars to necessary UI elements
-Added "Get Ready" UI with freeze time to DM, TDM, and GunGame before the round begins.
-Adjusted Ammocounter infinite ammo to "inf"
-Adjusted autosniper killfeed icon to remove the scope
-Adjusted post-match to allow extra time to display the score in community servers
-Adjusted post-death information to determine the length in meters
-Adjusted vote menu to notify players the other team is voting or if you need to open the menu to vote
-Adjusted nametags and scoreboard to scale player names according to character count
-Adjusted how profile pictures are pulled, fixing an issue with dark contrast
-Fixed icon getting culled in push/koth

-Added new grab sounds
-Added audio reverb volumes to all maps
-Added new audio occlusion system
-Added modern medkit sounds
-Added VO reverb for monster and Aurora soldiers
-Added new environment audio to all base maps
-Added audio easter egg to Santorini
-Added kill volume death sounds to Bridge and Station
-Added vehicle impact sounds
-Added low ammo-suppressed audio effect
-Added new audio stingers for round start/end and match start/end for all game modes
-Added vehicle impact sounds
-Adjusted handling sounds for guns
-Adjusted weapon drop floor impact sounds based on weight
-Adjusted rocket launcher sounds to be beefed up
-Adjusted revive gasp and healing audio
-Adjusted audio system to prevent clipping/distortion
-Adjusted all modern weapon audio for interactions, firing, and suppressed guns
-Adjusted footstep sounds
-Adjusted water material footstep sounds
-Adjusted landing sounds from a player dropping down from heights
-Adjusted vest inventory interaction audio
-Adjusted sound voice priority changes to prevent clipping
-Adjusted SMG suppression curve
-Adjusted flash bang not to give hit feedback to the thrower

-Added new kill ping and notification sound that plays when the knife is reached in gun game

-Added the skorpion to the zombie table
-Adjusted Zombie footstep sounds
-Fixed zombies being silent behind players

Search and Destroy
-Added weapon factioning
-Adjusted animation to defuse clippers
-Adjusted SND for total loss bonus for players that join mid-game
-Fixed SnD pistol round loss bonus. On join, the player should get 2200$ when the pistol round is lost.
-Fixed SnD 900$ cash bonus
-Fixed SnD bomb not highlighting when hidden by bodies
-Fixed random death on round start in a few rare instances
-Removed bonus for planting + attacking team all dead on round end when the round is lost
-Removed proximity chat and global chat with spectating players when comp mode is enabled

-Added new roles: Zombie, Hypnotist, Soulmate.
-Added damage reflection for Jester's role when they shoot an Innocent
-Added a vast amount of community server customization via JSON files.
-Added new nametag
-Added new TTT watch UI
-Added player role icons above player heads
-Added Assassin icon for TTT UI
-Added end screen context when round end called by RCON
-Added teleport visual effect
-Added disguiser arm UI
-Added TTT Karma Infraction mechanic
-Added MassRDMThreshold var for TTT Community servers
-Added TTT Classic (RCON: tttclassic)
-Added 30% chance to receive grenade on spawn
-Adjusted TTT Karma unique ID to now use Platform ID.
-Adjusted role color to reflect in corpse scan UI
-Adjusted detective kross fire rate from 1200 to 1000.
-Adjusted Jester role with major overhaul
-Adjusted corpse information UI
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role to now purchase all gadgets
-Adjusted flare gun to give 5 extra ammo
-Adjusted psychopath role threshold to 10+ players instead of 11+
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role is to no longer be capped to 1 per round
-Adjusted monocular to be purchasable by traitor team
-Adjusted role selection algorithm
-Adjusted reward system
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role to no longer purchase ballistics shield, antitank, golden gun, detective gun
-Adjusted Lone Wolf role to 30% chance in a match of all games when there are 10 players or more
-Adjusted detectivesmg, Added .75 falloff, Max 2000 fall-off distance
-Fixed suicide bombing and traitor trades cause the innocents to win instead of the traitors.
-Fixed for TTT End Screen UI not updating
-Fixed invalid dead info on jester backfire kill
-Fixed other detective roles not receiving additional karma loss for RDM.
-Fixed Flaregun giving sniper ammo exploit
-Fixed traitor percentages in TTT
-Fixed players seeing every role when suicide just before the round starts
-Fixed problems with karma and solo teams
-Removed Survivalist and Glitch role
-Removed autosniper from loadouts
-Removed bayonets receiving decals
-Removed decals on vehicle-destroyed mesh

-Adjusted scoreboard to label tickets
-Adjusted Stalingrad vehicle spawns for push
-Fixed out-of-bound revive exploit
-Fixed push markers overlapping hand/gun
-Fixed push siren audio cutting out

-Added new music and stingers
-Fixed teamkilling, putting players on infected teams.
-Fixed hunters not getting points on a kill
-Removed knife from buy menu in Infection
-Removed RPG back blast damage in prop hunt
-Removed infection monster helmet pop

Gun Game
-Adjusted Gun Game match end podium UI

-Fixed bots not receiving guns in KOTH

The Hide
-Added heavy resupply crate.
-Adjusted Hide monster to pick up weapons again. Added error sound when attempting to shoot guns as the monster
-Fixed Teamkills and Suicides registering as kills in The Hide scoreboard
-Fixed last man check.
-Fixed monster aura transferring to aurora player next round
-Fixed votekick exploit against monster
-Removed custom grip sequence for HDN Monster.

Prop Hunt
-Added Prop Hunt to bridge, datacenter, datacenter_night, bunker, station, station_night, santorini, santorini_night, containeryard containeryard_night
-Added prop players being assigned a prop on spawn
-Added Sounds for prop hunt death
-Added elimination announcement audio
-Added prop hunt to Datacenter, Bunker, Industry
-Added new blinding effect for hunter round start
-Added new scoreboard UI
-Added community server JSON support to PropHunt
-Added smooth turn rate reduction when precision moving as a prop
-Added prop ability to lock in place while touching a wall.
-Added a short delay on beginning play for setting hunters invulnerable to bullets.
-Adjusted PropHunt Hunters not to take damage from rockets
-Adjusted hunter team to ignore bullets
-Adjusted prop size required to make hands invisible.
-Adjusted prop hunt player sizing and offsets
-Added game mode sound cues added for the round win
-Scaled capsule radius to fit minimum XY dimension of prop

-Added the skorpion to Hunt
-Adjusted mines to be cleaned up between successful waves

-added pause match RCON command for SND (PauseMatch 60 pauses the match for 60 seconds at the next round start)
-Alphabetized RCON help command
-Fixed AddMod command (requires map rotate)
-Added new commands: AddMapRotation*, RemoveMapRotation*, ShowNametags*, SetMaxPlayers*, EnableCompMode*, SetTimeLimit*, SetBalanceTableURL*, EnableVerboseLogging*, EnableWhitelist*, UpdateServerName*, InspectTeam, InspectAll, TTTFlushKarma, TTTSetKarma, TTTSetRole, TTTEndRound, TTTPauseTimer, TTTAlwaysEnableSkinMenu, TTTGiveCredits, Teleport, ShutdownServer

*RCON command will edit the config file.

Verbose Logging for Community Servers
-Fixed All stats dump from verbose logging not resetting
-Adjusted verbose logging to instead create a stat file per each match; the file name will be Stats_DATE-TIME
-Adjusted logging methods; it will now create a file in Saved/Stats folder called Stats.log (legacy still supported)

Pav TV
-Adjusted top score toggle to also toggle side nametags
-Fixed SnD bomb showing as a knife for player inventories
-Fixed toggle top score
-Fixed hide nametags not working
-Fixed time selection bar not working
-Fixed F3 set camera location
-Fixed PavTV movement
-Fixed PavTV Spectator not being able to XRay
-Fixed hand animations and location for both hands in 1st person
-Fixed "L" bind blanking screen
-Fixed competitive mode sorting
-Fixed utility not despawning between rounds

Update 28 - Hotfix 2

This hotfix addresses some of the issues related to steam profile pictures, and the arm kill feed being forced on. Additionally, after feedback of performance issues with servers with too many players, we are playing a cap at 24 players for community servers.

This may be the last update that we are going to ship on Unreal Engine version 4.21.2 while we continue our efforts to upgrading to Pavlov 4.27. Our update cycle may slow down as a result, but this doesn't mean we are finished with Pavlov VR quite yet. However, there may be a loss of workshop content if it is not updated by the authors. We are going to release a beta modkit for the new engine well before we intend to update Pavlov to give the map authors ample time to test and update their maps to the new engine in preparation.

-Added Snow thin physical material to modkit, snow thick will no longer have penetration by default
-Added new damage mats/ destroyed model to the willys
-Added animations to the willys/kubel pedals and shifters
-Added soviet variant of the willys (ID: willys_svt)
-Adjusted tank fuel gauges to reflect tank health
-Adjusted killfeed logic so when a cooked grenade is picked up and tossed it will switch the damage dealer to the last person to throw it
-Adjusted buy menu to disable in SND whenever the bomb is planted
-Adjusted Slot 11 to be on chest on 3rd person
-Adjusted vehicle despawning, if the vehicle hasn't been occupied since it spawned it will destroy in a less explosive manner
-Adjustments to zombie balance table to add new guns
-Adjusted the 3rd person pawn vehicle location to look better
-Adjusted push grace period sound to not play unless the grace period is longer than 14 seconds
-Adjusted max players on community servers to 24
-Fixed willys/kubel speedometer rolling over
-Fixed tiger gauges not being animated
-Fixed armkill feed always being enabled
-Fixed vehicle braking causing vehicles to shift down to first gear
-Fixed for vehicle bumper killing players as they exit the vehicle while its moving
-Fixed bomb carrier detection in scoreboard
-Fixed tank and kill confirm beep not being affected by master volume
-Fixed bullet holes drawing on the water physmat
-Fixed sks playing mag eject sound if the bolt was already locked
-Fixed a few penetration issues on Santorini
-Fixed floating signs, lighting adjustments in missle silo, and adjusted global volumetric importance volumes in Bunker
-Replaced the kar 98 with the hunting rifle in HUNT

-Added overtime logic so that attackers cant run out of tickets if the last bomb of a set is armed
-Adjusted revive logic so that a player will receive ammo for one of their guns (weapon in players hand takes priority)
-Fixed edge case where a bomb would blow up at the same time the round ends and cause the game to end
-Fixed locker meshes show items they shouldn't (luger if sidearm was set to "none")
-Fixed push bomb killing players if in a vehicle seat that cant take damage (tanks)
-Exposed locker refresh time to the modkit

-Added points for taunting
-Added new taunts
-Fixed taunt spam exploit

-Fixed scoreboard not validating correctly as the round starts, causing issues with Jester