1. Iron Armada
  2. News
  3. Known Issues for 3.2.0

Known Issues for 3.2.0

Here is a current log of current known issues, these will hopefully be fixed in the next patch! However we still think its important to let you know about them.

Improper closedown

Currently (if exited improperly, such as ALT+F4) the game will not properly close down... and will be left hanging in your processes. Since Iron Armada is a Steam game, sometimes this will be seen as Iron Armada "still running" when it isn't really.

In order to fix this (on Windows) all you need to do is press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC and (if you haven't already) press "more details." From there... simply find the process labeled "Iron Armada" and right click, then select "end task."

This will be fixed in the next patch, when we include a secondary check to ensure the entire game is closed... even if exited improperly. Little things like this is why we like to test the game with our community, because we find little things like this that we would normally miss internally =P

Crash when respawning in-between rounds, or on a non-existent core

Currently when your player is killed, and you are waiting to respawn before the game has restarted... your game will crash (because your character is trying to respawn on a core that doesn't exist anymore!)

This will be fixed with the next patch as well. Since we only need to put in a function that gives the game a fallback when the core you're trying to spawn on doesn't exist anymore. Hopefully an easy fix for 3.2.1!

Server browser highlights wrong server

Currently when using the server browser, it has trouble highlighting any other server other than the first one! Do not worry however, you can still join the server you're pointing at... its only the UI that is highlighting it improperly!

Again, an easy fix for next patch!
Thanks so much everyone for your help so far! Finding these issues and fixing them is very important for us! If you have any questions, make sure you head to our Discord and forums to post there!

After we spend some time bug-fixing, I'll be posting our next development update which will cover new features we're working on =) and also hopefully have a community vote on which feature we should include next!

Links for our community portals:


~ Bluedrake42
Drakeling Labs