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  3. Game Update 3/31

Game Update 3/31

Good Afernoon,

Today's patch brings a game improvements and big fixes.

[h2]Recommendation System[/h2]
We have heard player feedback regarding confusion with the appropriate level players should be when attempting different levels of content. The old recommendations were prior to the full unlock of all dungeons and this system needed to be updated with the correct levels. In addition to this, the quality and level of gear when attempting this content is also important to player success. To help a player be more successful in the content we have done several things
  1. Increased the levels to the correct level (including heroism levels) to be successful in a given dungeon & difficulty
  2. Added a new gear check system that looks for the minimum gear to attempt a dungeon. Dungeons that have split gear qualities mean you would need half of each quality at a minimum to be successful. More of the higher quality will pass this test as well.
  3. Added a new Challenge Rating value. This value demonstrates the relative challenge related to other content in the game. It is not designed to be exact but is a general estimate of success. If a number is twice a lower number, it represents approximately double the challenge.

[h2]Improved Loot Quality[/h2]
We wanted to incentivize players to play all dungeons rather than only trying the highest dungeons due to higher chance of improved quality drops. All dungeon bosses (with a boss chest) will now have some chance to drop higher quality loot. The chance to drop higher quality loot now improves with the depth in the dungeon you progress to (i.e. level 4 bosses have much higher drop chances of higher quality loot and the first boss of a dungeon).
  1. All dungeon bosses now have a chance to drop +1 quality loot (this means they can drop Epic on Normal, Legendary on Hard and Eternal on Nightmare)
  2. Crypt of Horrors, The Dark Hollow, The Grasslands, Lair of the Ceranids and The Icy Depths saw the greatest overall +1 quality drop rate adjustment.
  3. The Dreadforge and The Festerbog had several bosses +1 quality drop rates improved.
  4. Ragewind Keep is unchanged as all bosses drop only +1 quality loot
  5. Named Elite npcs (like Sludge) that do not have a boss chests remain unchanged.

[h2]Bug Fixes:[/h2]
  • Fixed issue with center keep gates in Grasslands causing them to be too small
  • Reduced damage on Snowtek
  • Fixed issue text on crafting screen not localizing