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False Front News

Patch Notes 2.0.1

Updated version for leaving Early Access

- Fixed Serpent skin unlocked with MP5 headshot
- Bot adaptive max level in public match reduced to medium

Patch Notes 2.0.0

Updated version prepared for leaving Early Access

- Player profiles for public and private matches are merged into one profile.
- Match is fully qualified if playing with other remote players (private or public).
- Some counters only incremented on fully qualified matches.
- Match is unqualified if playing only with harmless bots.
- Extra XP score not given in unqualified match.
- Support for wide screen and fixed scaling depending on screen sizes
- Added character 3D view on players in the lobby and moved player-card view to the bottom
- Added character 3D view in match result podium
- Added second final kill-cam replay in third person with target zoom
- Support for path-finding/nav-mesh for NPC and improved NPC AI (possible to use old AI with Classic AI option)
- Lobbies now searched worldwide instead of Steam default

- Added Shotgun weapon SpasDB
- Added Assault weapon TOMPA
- Added Machinegun weapon Serpent
- Added Assault weapon attachments
- Added Machinegun weapon attachments
- Added ice, fire and slime grenades
- Killcam icon option setting changeable during a match
- Updated and improved sound for weapons
- Silencer more distinct sound to differ from normal
- Adjusted hold breath not holding forever and not displaying help text after used
- Frag grenade countdown cross-air timer
- Bounce sound for grenade and axe
- Projectile sound for Noobtube bullet and axe

Sniper mode:
- Sniper mode allows the use of all primary weapons (converted to bolt action with reload set to 0.8 sec)
- Support for rotation left/right with keyboard bindings
- Added sniper mode option for private matches (increase wall bang and make bots not try to take the last score)

- Added infected player pool for public matches
- Play music for the last player in infected game mode
- Removed powerups and XP-targets on night maps when playing infected
- Removed overlay lines for hunted players
- Default first player in infected is hunted (not zombie)
- Added NPC zombies in public infected matches on large maps
- Several more improvements for infected matches

- Added clothes and armor
- Added face skins
- Added more gear and skins
- Added berets prestige 01-10
- Move the character up/down in customization using the right mouse button

- Improved Ambient Occlusion (Extra shadows) and selectable level (Off, Normal, High)
- Removed flickering while rotating in First-Person
- Added achievements for the number of matches played
- Added missing translated texts to languages
- Added character high-score view for FFA, Team, and Infected.
- Added randomized bot outfit with gears
- Fixed Gnomed unlock
- Fixed Completionist unlock
- Fixed unlocks for M29 kills was counted from M26
- Fixed a long list of small problems and a few crashes
- Fixed host migration when the host lost from the network

- Added two new night maps for infected
- Updated night maps for infected
- Updated mini maps for night maps
- Fixed missing collisions in Bunge
- Some minor fixes on several maps

False Front Team 2023-06-17

Patch 1.9.1

- Fixed some trampolines not working as intended
- Adjusted materials wallbang rate made wallbang kill hard
- Barrels will not give any player kills in sniper mode to eliminate last kill
- Some minor adjustments for sniper mode lobby

- Added chat cheat command for sniper lobby in private match "/set_sniperlobby 1"
- Hard point score increase from 50 top 100
- Decals for barrels and explosions was not visible when particles disabled

- Fixed some collision problems on maps Bunge, Upstairs, Bunge Jr and Hagen Jr

False Front Gameplay Items

False Front 1.9.0

[h3]This is a large update adding gameplay items like barrels, ladders and ziplines. Maps are also updated for improved gameplay. So we are happy to announce it's release.[/h3]

Read full article here: https://falsefront.se/false-front-1.9.0-update

[h2]Update Notes[/h2]


- Updated maps extra care taken for arena maps
- Added explosive barrels (fire, slime and ice)
- Added ladders climbing
- Added ziplining
- Added XP target objects
- Added XP lamp objects


- Adjusted sniper lobby mode. Other classes weapons can't shoot gives click no ammo
- Added assist kill XP score
- Added assisk suicide kill XP score
- Added 50% extra XP score for headshoot
- Added 200% extra XP score for melee kills
- Added Multi kill streak increased XP score
- Added XP score for unlocked items
- Added playercard color content

- Updated hardpoint effects with texture anim
- Updated hardpoint score calculation for team with most players
- Improved blink killstreak effect to see blink is used and 3D sound
- Adjusted player foot step 3D sound volume
- Added announcers 3D main center speaker audio with echo effect
- Fixed bots was removed when host changed du host migration (host left the public game)


- Added more materials for different wallbangs
- Added different bullet hit decals depending on material
- Added different bullet hit decal size depending on weapon
- Added colors to killstreaks in menu
- Added blur to slime grenade effect
- Updated map loading pictures
- Adjusted lab and infected (night maps) not in public matchpool
- Added FFA podium flag and glow
- Added settings for throw keybinding


- Nuke killed only players on host.
- Removed SND/game rounds final killcam made split screen removed in next round
- Fixed character got wrong weapon skin for M29 when role first selected
- Fixed player class change could make player get stuck
- Fixed bots trying to use hidden trampolines making them moving into objects
- Night goggles could be used while running and was displayed wrong
- Moving tumbleweed bush removed collision
- Fixed ladders unlocks not possible due missing ladders
- Fixed small bugs
- Added bugs

We hope you like the update! Cheers! 🍻
False Front Team 2021-11-21

Patch notes 1.8.3

* Fixed multiplayer online not working due changed in steam backend for P2P communication
* Fixed FOV bug with final killcam
* Fixed problem with character draw without/wrong body when joining running game