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False Front Gameplay Items

False Front 1.9.0

[h3]This is a large update adding gameplay items like barrels, ladders and ziplines. Maps are also updated for improved gameplay. So we are happy to announce it's release.[/h3]

Read full article here: https://falsefront.se/false-front-1.9.0-update

[h2]Update Notes[/h2]


- Updated maps extra care taken for arena maps
- Added explosive barrels (fire, slime and ice)
- Added ladders climbing
- Added ziplining
- Added XP target objects
- Added XP lamp objects


- Adjusted sniper lobby mode. Other classes weapons can't shoot gives click no ammo
- Added assist kill XP score
- Added assisk suicide kill XP score
- Added 50% extra XP score for headshoot
- Added 200% extra XP score for melee kills
- Added Multi kill streak increased XP score
- Added XP score for unlocked items
- Added playercard color content

- Updated hardpoint effects with texture anim
- Updated hardpoint score calculation for team with most players
- Improved blink killstreak effect to see blink is used and 3D sound
- Adjusted player foot step 3D sound volume
- Added announcers 3D main center speaker audio with echo effect
- Fixed bots was removed when host changed du host migration (host left the public game)


- Added more materials for different wallbangs
- Added different bullet hit decals depending on material
- Added different bullet hit decal size depending on weapon
- Added colors to killstreaks in menu
- Added blur to slime grenade effect
- Updated map loading pictures
- Adjusted lab and infected (night maps) not in public matchpool
- Added FFA podium flag and glow
- Added settings for throw keybinding


- Nuke killed only players on host.
- Removed SND/game rounds final killcam made split screen removed in next round
- Fixed character got wrong weapon skin for M29 when role first selected
- Fixed player class change could make player get stuck
- Fixed bots trying to use hidden trampolines making them moving into objects
- Night goggles could be used while running and was displayed wrong
- Moving tumbleweed bush removed collision
- Fixed ladders unlocks not possible due missing ladders
- Fixed small bugs
- Added bugs

We hope you like the update! Cheers! 🍻
False Front Team 2021-11-21