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  2. News
  3. Le Merc's Naval! Featured Server

Le Merc's Naval! Featured Server

Hop aboard and prepare to set sail! The community hosted ‘Le Merc’s Naval Warfront’ severs are now featured and ready for all seafaring souls to put hand to deck.

These servers introduce 10 new modded maps alongside the base game ones, custom ship match-ups for more variety and tweaks to damage. Battle fleets of ships or take coastal fortresses by force with the might of cannon, simply head over to the server browser and look for any of the servers below.

These servers will also gather you XP towards your class levels and the daily XP score.

Community Servers
  • Le Merc's NA - Naval Warfront
  • Le Merc's EU - Naval Warfront

Haven't hopped on naval before? Here are some quick tips to get you started.

Naval Warfront Tips
  • Going with the wind is faster.
  • When going against the wind do not deploy 'square sails' as they will cause you to go much slower and act as a wind brake.
  • Do not load cannons if you aren’t using them: A loaded cannon is a dangerous cannon. It can explode when hit and damage the ship.
  • Teamwork is key, work with your fellow crew mates to help with ammunition, pass along orders and fire off volleys at the enemy fleet.

Be sure to read through the rest of the blog post to learn more about our next update which we're currently hard at work polishing off preparing for the initial testing phase.

[h2]A Sneak Peek[/h2]

Continuing with our mission of bringing Holdfast into the new era one part of the next update will feature a new first person experience in-game. This initial pass will include a new perspective along with entirely new models, animations and texturing of the game's Napoleonic firearms and melee weapons.

Take a look at our work in progress so far on this front. There'll be a few more changes still to come before release.

We'll also be expanding on the toolset available to event hosts. Now admins on official and community servers alike will have access to a plethora of new tools to help lighten the load when hosting organised events.

Here's a brief breakdown of some of the new features available via the new Holdfast Admin Panel.

  • Change maps at ease via the new map rotation tab.
  • Create custom polls.
  • Setup all charge variables for organised linebattle events.
  • Trigger an all charge.
  • A kill log history with the ability to revive and slay.
  • Target players in free-cam or in-game using the new raygun system for quick action.
  • And a whole lot more.

[h2]Holdfast Sale[/h2]

Holdfast and all its DLC’s can now be purchased at a discounted price for a limited time. Gather Holdfast on sale at 50% off and its cosmetic DLCs up to 50% off.

Base Game

Napoleon's Rise

Official Soundtrack

There are many more changes, features, bug fixes and quality of life additions being introduced in the next update so be sure to check out the change log when it releases! It'll also feature additional optimisations.

Thank you for your support and until next time, may good health be yours. :oheart:


- Anvil Game Studios

Refleax, Rycon, Dreas, Walki, Jackson, Rejenorst, Harper, Storey, UberJuice, Stan, Gest, Matt, Grandayy, Charles:Cute_Rat: & Winston (The Cat).