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  3. qb Community Update

qb Community Update

Hey guys,

it's time we give you an update on the current status of qb, and sadly it's not very positive news.

qb being the very first game for all of us enabled us to experiment around, learn new skills and expand on various systems and we are glad we took this path. However due to more recent changes to our private lifes it's not possible for us anymore to keep up with frequent updates to the game itself due to the sheer complexity which we've burdened upon us.

We had a constructive dialog within the team and came with the realization that qb itself would need more manpower or more time allocated.
It's difficult to continue working on a free time based project while also still having time for actual free time, family and work besides.
Thus we'd like to turn qb to Maintenance mode: critical bugs will still be fixed as they get reported to us but updates come when they are done.

Work on qb should continue as time allows, but with less pressure. Just as an actual free time project perhaps. Mid- to Longterm we'd like to take the experience gained with qb and work on new concepts for a different kind of game, likely reusing assets and systems made for qb and adapt these for future projects.

We hope you understand our situation.

qb Team