2. News
  3. HOARD is ALIVE! (Sort of)

HOARD is ALIVE! (Sort of)

Hello fellow dragons,

HOARD was originally developed by Big Sandwich Games and it's hard to believe it's been 8 years since it launched on Steam.

Recently, Big Sandwich Games finally closed. Before that, the company basically was existing in name only, as all employees had long since gone on to other jobs in the industry.

Two weeks ago, I (Tyler) bought the rights back to HOARD. I was the original game designer on the game, and was one of the partners in Big Sandwich.

HOARD is one of the most fun games I have worked on, and it's always held a very special place in my heart. Buying it back was truly an act of appreciation for the game, and I did it in the hopes that I can perhaps improve it or make a sequel one day.

When the opportunity presented itself, I decided to take the plunge. Happily, I might add.

I'm not sure yet exactly what this means for the current HOARD, as I'm definitely very busy with work at Red Hook Studios. (I work on Darkest Dungeon.)

However, there is always the chance of publishing some improvements or bug fixes here and there.

First, I have to get the game compiling again and regain the ability to push new builds to Steam. For that, I'm getting help from a good friend and someone who originally did the Linux port to HOARD many years ago.

I think the first (and relatively simple) thing I'd like to do is try to patch back in the original music.

I can't make any promises just yet, but if there are features or fixes that you'd like to see, please post so I know what's on your mind.

Long live HOARD!
