1. Brigand: Oaxaca
  2. News
  3. Version 13.6C and Future Plans

Version 13.6C and Future Plans

Fixed a major oversight from v13.6 where I deleted redundant object files from NIGHTMARE assets. Forgot there was no Subz Juicer object in the DEFAULT assets, so they weren't appearing in the story and it was causing crashes. Thanks to PhenomD.

Also since the last post, I fixed some cliffs in the Deep Canal map in PANAMA that you could jump over and skip a chapter.

Gonna put Brigand on the shelf for now (please, for the love of Satan stay there), and get back to work on Warlordocracy Ch.3. You can get the alpha on my Patron, along with Patreon stories, dev notes, and other shit. Gonna post there every Monday.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lcsoftware

Edit: Also uploaded an easier version of Brigand, called PANZY, which you can get from Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/brigandoaxaca/mods/16

When I do come back to Brigand in a couple months I'll add another two challenge maps to BATTLES, try to bypass the corruption caused by anti-virus program when saving your game.

To-Do List:

-Fix shock damage from leaf, heat damage from coins.
-New BATTLES maps from Panama w/ new demons+eggs (raise DLC price).
-New script command to set player death script (instead of gameover screen).
-Trick anti-virus programs in saveGame function.
-Variable speeds on gunshot sounds?
-Place rats in NIGHTMARE/PANAMA?