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  2. News
  3. Update Notes for March 10th

Update Notes for March 10th

A bunch of random fixes and additions:

- Using magic on illusions now destroys them
- About a dozen more schematics can be found in chests
- Greatly increased basket item drop chance
- Clara now accepts patters/schematics
- Zee Clothing is now always at clothing shop
- Previously available clothes now must be unlocked before they can be purchased
- Fixed several otter sounds
- Fixed the otter magic cast animation
- Added more thorns/specters to areas
- Added page turning sound for books
- Added enemy spawns to secret temple
- Removed Alex's ability to spawn enemies at the HUB
- Fixed Ivo's dialogue in Atlas Manor
- Ivo now has backup during his boss fight
- Changed it so players now always spawn at checkpoints, rather than the airship
- Removed Ave hair color option (as it didn't work)
- Fixed some load screen tips
- Fixed text in prologue which suggested you needed the captain to open the gate (you don't)
- Candle in prologue cabin can now be lit
- Added a grapplehook tutorial if you take a left after talking to Mercie
- Added more magic tutorials
- Morrison no longer mentions the non-existent anti-air guns
- Added sound to tarby zombies
- Wind effect should stop on level transition now
- Adjusted enemy spawns on the Abyss elevator
- Fixed Ivo's HP bar
- Adjusted several weapon sell prices (Many were increased except Seeker's sword, which was lowered to 74 silver)
- Mercie now has a different dialogue if you talk to her after the Fallen City
- Added a kick sound
- Mercie will no longer spawn if she dies during the campaign
- Added an alternate boss to Fallen City if replayed
- Straightened Ave's feet so they fit in shoes better
- Fixed a hole in the Frozen Fort map
- Updated the opened bedroll object material
- Power attacks that use elemental magic should level that element's skill level now
- Increased EXP gain across the board by 2.25x
- Added a sound to the air push magic
- Fixed V-Sync in the options menu

- Some other various minor level changes/additions