1. Zofia
  2. News
  3. Zofia 1.0

Zofia 1.0

Zofia is now officially in 1.0!

We're very excited (and very tired) to finally reach 1.0 as these last few months have been pretty difficult. The early access process has been a little chaotic but we appreciate the feedback we've gotten over the last ~1.5 years.

We're going to wait for the dust to settle before we make any notable changes, but we're still collecting feedback.

v1.0 patch notes:

- Added Otter sneaking animations
- Fixed some Otter head armor materials
- Fixed Ivo's dialogue trigger in Fallen City
- Fixed metal footsteps sound
- Changed Luna's hover/appear/disappear sounds
- Reworked corrupted tarby
- Hitting shielded enemies will still do some damage
- Reworked several other sounds
- Added music to Atlas Manor map
- Fixed frost damage not immediately applying to slimes
- You can now destroy tanks with melee weapons (though they are quite tanky... hah)
- Added (minor) alternate way to trigger end sequence
- Removed debug tools
- Fixed metal noises which happened if you ran into checkpoints
- Fixed humans/otters melee damage bonuses/debuffs