1. Fishing on the Fly
  2. News
  3. Game update 6/3/2019

Game update 6/3/2019

The game was updated last night. The changes to the game are huge. I have tried super hard to incorporate feedback.

*Movement Keys "AWSD" and mouse buttons now are used to fight, move, etc. You no longer have to change hand positions.

*Entire fight system was overhauled. Every fish now has its own difficulty and you must now reel by default. The fighting system also now will getting harder to reel in as you level up. Don't expect to land monster fish without a fight. Wouldn't hurt to have a nice rod for that monster too.

*Game is progressively harder as you increase levels. Harder to hook fish, harder to land them, harder to find out fish are eating. Equipment in the game will offset some of the difficulty.

*Each Equipment (Rod, Reel, Vest, Boots, Waders) piece has its own skill on top of increasing your chances. Example - One of them will lower your chances of losing a fly when a fish gets away. Equipment stats stack (i.e. owning four rods stacks that stat). Equipment stats are better for the top tier items versus lower tier.

*French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, German have been added to the language section in settings. Now the game's audio/text for chapters can be changed. Please provide feedback.

Let me know what you think!

