1. Fishing on the Fly
  2. News
  3. Game Patch

Game Patch

Hello all!

Dev here.

There was an issue with using the controller and landing fish. It is fixed now - X and Y are used to reel fish in too. Sorry for the controller going sideways for a bit there as I was trying improve keyboard functions via a request from the community.

This journey of making Fishing on the Fly has been a crazy one. As a solo dev before Marketplaces came to Unity and Unreal, making this game was insane. All programming, art, animations, everything was done by me. I didn't realize how short a game engine life span was back when I started, potentially making a game look dated, etc.

I spent many years making this game. I have yet to make back a fraction of my costs. I have delivered on my promises to include a trophy room and incorporated a lot of feedback. There comes a point though where it is much easier for me to deliver and incorporate new ideas in a new engine.

I will continue to address issues with this game if any come up beyond this point. However, from this point forward, I will be using a new engine for development purposes.

Please leave a comment or concern still!

