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  2. News
  3. Guns Guns Guns - Part 3

Guns Guns Guns - Part 3

New Items

- Agent's Pen
- B-Beam Gun
- B8rst Rifle
- Basketball Launcher
- Battling Rifle
- Bee Beam
- Bullpup Sniper
- C-Ray Gun
- Crayfish Ray
- Cave Artillery
- Chainsaw Launcher
- Chainsaw Saw
- Conspicuous Cane
- Darkness Hole
- Fidget Slicer
- Gleam Grenade
- Grizzly Launcher
- Grizzly Rifle
- Heartseeker Bow
- High-Powered Rifle
- High-Powered Stock
- Impact Beamer
- Impact Blaster
- Impact Beam
- Impact Grenade
- Modded Carbine
- Paint Wand
- Portal Racket
- Reactive Set
- Reactive Calf
- Reactive Glove
- Reactive Helmet
- Reactive Shoulder
- Reactive Thigh
- Sbowrd
- Arrow Sword
- Seeker Arrow
- Seeker Arrow Small
- Shotgun Hand
- Shpistol
- Slingshot
- Snareshot
- Stingshot
- Tactical DMR
- The Stinging Wind
- Throwing Glaive Tri
- Throwing Glaive Tri Small
- Tip of the Hat
- Uncondensed SMG
- Vampire Slayer
- Very Compact SMG
- Vortex Hose
- Wooden Stake


Add roughly 50 new Guns Guns Guns items under [Library > Guns Guns Guns 3]

Modify Snare Rock to trigger easier on collision (100 -> 50)
Modify Bee Hive to trigger much easier on collision (200 -> 20)
Modify chainsaw sounds to ramp up and down faster

Add [Custom Item > Copy] to easily copy their save strings

MaD Lab:
Add triggers::ApplyEffectBeam (see `xml beebeam`)
Add triggers::JointZapper (see `xml impactbeam`)
Add general support for layer="0/1/2" (background/default/foreground)
Add Firearm support for muzzleAngle="AngleInDegrees"
Add Firearm support for destroyAfterFiring="0/1"
Add more triggerCustom support for weapons that spawn items (see `xml portalracket`)
Add item effects support: sting, cray
Fix triggerOnCut not working for armours
Fix inheritSettings not working if bulletProperties was not set (inherits Force/Radius/Duration from parent gun)