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Mutilate-a-Doll 2 News

Guns Guns Guns - Part 3

New Items

- Agent's Pen
- B-Beam Gun
- B8rst Rifle
- Basketball Launcher
- Battling Rifle
- Bee Beam
- Bullpup Sniper
- C-Ray Gun
- Crayfish Ray
- Cave Artillery
- Chainsaw Launcher
- Chainsaw Saw
- Conspicuous Cane
- Darkness Hole
- Fidget Slicer
- Gleam Grenade
- Grizzly Launcher
- Grizzly Rifle
- Heartseeker Bow
- High-Powered Rifle
- High-Powered Stock
- Impact Beamer
- Impact Blaster
- Impact Beam
- Impact Grenade
- Modded Carbine
- Paint Wand
- Portal Racket
- Reactive Set
- Reactive Calf
- Reactive Glove
- Reactive Helmet
- Reactive Shoulder
- Reactive Thigh
- Sbowrd
- Arrow Sword
- Seeker Arrow
- Seeker Arrow Small
- Shotgun Hand
- Shpistol
- Slingshot
- Snareshot
- Stingshot
- Tactical DMR
- The Stinging Wind
- Throwing Glaive Tri
- Throwing Glaive Tri Small
- Tip of the Hat
- Uncondensed SMG
- Vampire Slayer
- Very Compact SMG
- Vortex Hose
- Wooden Stake


Add roughly 50 new Guns Guns Guns items under [Library > Guns Guns Guns 3]

Modify Snare Rock to trigger easier on collision (100 -> 50)
Modify Bee Hive to trigger much easier on collision (200 -> 20)
Modify chainsaw sounds to ramp up and down faster

Add [Custom Item > Copy] to easily copy their save strings

MaD Lab:
Add triggers::ApplyEffectBeam (see `xml beebeam`)
Add triggers::JointZapper (see `xml impactbeam`)
Add general support for layer="0/1/2" (background/default/foreground)
Add Firearm support for muzzleAngle="AngleInDegrees"
Add Firearm support for destroyAfterFiring="0/1"
Add more triggerCustom support for weapons that spawn items (see `xml portalracket`)
Add item effects support: sting, cray
Fix triggerOnCut not working for armours
Fix inheritSettings not working if bulletProperties was not set (inherits Force/Radius/Duration from parent gun)

Spring Cleaning



Add Health Switch (variant of Medical Switch that works for the doll's total health instead of a single bodypart)
Add Velocity Switch (triggers linked items when reaching high enough velocity, customizable via Trigger Force)
Add Pointer Random (variant of Pointer that points in a random direction whenever triggered)
Rename Stasis Field as Stasis Beam
Add Stasis Field (stasis in AoE)
Add Stasis Caster (stasis linked)

Modify Arcanity to not cut linked items with its effect

Fix Eden and Ghost Shotgun pellets colliding with static ghosts
Fix Soulstorm projectiles not being ghosted by default
Fix Camo Mine not copying colours
Fix Dark Gnome Mask and Drone Mask not ending their effects when destroyed


Add [Fleshcrafting > % Regeneration] that modifies Regeneration property speed.

Add negative values support to various Fleshcrafting settings:
- Bullet Damage, Blunt Damage, Bleed Damage, Sharp Damage, and Regeneration
- Reversing the multipliers will cause healing when normally damaged, to allow things like bullet absorbing.
- Negative values may cause wildly unexpected things to happen, are entirely unbalanced, and largely untested. Enjoy.

Add [Properties > Physics > Resist Joints] (Joints will not attach to the item. Existing joints will remain, even after saving and loading)
Add [Properties > Alive > Resist Armour] (Armour pieces will not automatically equip on the doll. Armours equipped before adding the property will remain equipped, even after saving and loading.)

Add [Alt+Click] to pick a colour with the cursor when the colour menu is open

Add visualization to [Detail > Joints] displaying which joint will be removed

Add console command menualpha=[0-1] that changes the opacity (1 = default, 0 = invisible) of currently open menus for the current session.


Modify Resist Freezing:
- Now caps temperature at 1C instead of blocking changes entirely (aka allows extinguishing fires by freezing)
- Sub-zero dolls with the property are able to stand and receive visible wounds

Modify Concussing property to concuss for longer to make it useful for bullet jackets
Modify Hyped property force to be less immediately deadly

Fix Flip hotkey not being mappable (default: Tab+mouseover)


Hopefully finally fix Steam workshop sometimes not loading all subscribed content

[h2]MaD Lab[/h2]

Fix MaD Lab models embedded in saves not updating the Library on load (making them lose functionality)
Add triggers::ApplyEffectToLinked (see xml Stasis Caster)
Modify triggers::ApplyEffectInRadius triggerCustom to support particles (see xml Stasis Field)

The Naughty List

The Naughty List is a new minigame containing dolls that have somehow managed to be naughty.

You'll also get an assortment of randomly-generated gifts to deal with them, like a good little helper.

Devouring Moon

Devouring Moon is a halloween event where you protect pumpkins by bodyblocking the devouring moon's attacks.

It can be found in the main menu for a while, and after that in
[Environment > Minigames > Devouring Moon].

Guns Guns Guns - Part Two

Welcome to Guns Guns Guns - Part Two!


34 New guns have been added on top of the guns already added previously.
They can be found at the top of [Library > Guns Guns Guns]

- Ambidextrous Pistol
- Argunity
- Attack Gun
- Auto-Cannon
- Bolter Pistol
- Bolter SMG
- BRAP Pistol
- Bulldog SMG
- Carbine Rifle
- Combat SMG
- Compact Battle Rifle
- Compact PDW
- Cruiser Shotgun
- EMP Gun
- Gleam Rifle
- Gum Gun
- Hotshotgun
- Incapacitator
- Keyboard Gun
- Less-Lethal Shotgun
- Mega Meat Mortar
- Mini Minigun
- Nature's Grasp
- Pipipipipipistol
- Punt Gun
- Rail Gun
- Snareper
- Staser
- The Hammerer
- Timescatter
- Underbarrel Flamethrower
- Underbarrel Glinter
- Underbarrel Stunner

[Detail Tool > Gunsmith] adds various settings for modifying guns and bullets.

Most of the previously-hidden firearm values* can now be modified.

Like that sniper that shoots 50 bullets.

Or an assault rifle that shoots a wall of doll-sized bullets at dolls.

[Detail Tool > Bullet Jacket] allows modifying the properties applied to bullets**.

Like a sneaky cornershotgun.

[Detail Tool > Muzzle Sound] allows overriding the gunshot sound and volume of the gun.

- 13 new sound effects have been added in the Firearms category.

- Some old sound effects have been modified and renamed to be more descriptive.

- Old gun volumes have been normalized to be more in line with each other (instead of shotgun shooting your ears off.)

May be expanded to also include other muzzle things, in some form, at a later time.

[h3]* Gunsmithing Details[/h3]

- Velocity and Scatter affect the velocity that bullets shoot at, which is not affected by the bullet's weight. A baseline forward Velocity is applied first away from the barrel position, which is then modified by a random Scatter. For example a Velocity 100 / Scatter 100 bullet can vary between 50 and 150 final velocity. Meaning that Scatter can make bullets shoot backwards if it's too high.

- Recoil affects the force applied to the gun, which is affected by the gun's weight. There is no upwards recoil.

- Bullet Size % may be wildly different between different types of bullets, because it's a multiplier of the size of the bullet (whose models may be of various sizes -- e.g. the model used for shotgun pellets at 100% are huge.)

- Most old guns don't have reloading, as it was added later on. For example the Assault Rifle shoots infinitely as it has a Magazine Size of 1 bullet and Reload Time of 6 frames, as opposed to modern guns using Bullet Delay for the time between each bullet, and Reload Time only after the magazine is empty.

- Bullet Delay, Reload Time, and Burst Delay are measured in frames (aka ticks/updates.) The game tries its best to run at 60 frames per second. For example most assault rifles use 3-6 frames delays between bullets (aka 10-20 bullets per second fire rate.)

- Burst Amount enables burst shooting when above 1, which makes the gun automatically shoot multiple bullets in a row when triggered. Bursting uses Bullet Delay between each bullet, Burst Delay between each burst, and Reload Time once the magazine is emptied.

For example Battle Rifle shoots as follows:
(Bullet Delay)
(Bullet Delay)
(Burst Delay)
(Reload Time)

[h3]** Bullet Jacket Details[/h3]

The name "Bullet Jacket" was picked to describe the fact that the properties only apply to generic physical bullets.

Meaning that a good chunk of weirder projectiles won't use the properties at all, because most properties require a collision to apply them.

E.g. A lot of weapons use raycasts instead of physical projectiles (Blasters, Lasers, Rays, etc.)
E.g. Various weapons shoot ghosted AoE projectiles (Microwave Gun, Shockwave Gun, etc.)
E.g. Some weapons don't spawn any projectiles (Boomstick, Frost Cannon, etc.)

Some properties also aren't available for bullets, e.g. most Alive and Physics properties, because they would break things or not work at all.



(See also Guns Guns Guns patchnotes.)

Added Gunsmith, Bullet Jacket, and Muzzle Sound to Detail tool when modifying a gun Added 34 new guns, and some projectiles
Modified guns to increase magazine size if burst size would exceed it
Modified bursting guns to behave better with Trigger tool
Fix some bullets being erroneously ghosted
Fix some bullets needlessly overriding default shooting behaviour
Fix various bullets being rotated wrong

Modified burning to deal more devastating damage
Modified Flaming property to heat up items faster, and have fancier particles
Modified Lava to increase initial temperature when applied
Fix deepfrying capping temperature at 80
Fix item triggers not reseting after being crabbed
Fix Crash minigame not starting
Rename Flame Thrower as Fire Thrower to distinguish it from Flamethrower
Rename Tazer as Shocker because that's what it does
Rename Alive settings tooltip as Fleshcrafting so it's more memorable

Added muzzle flash to shotguns
Modified all flame bullets to use new flame graphics to distinguish them from particles better

Added 13 new sound effects in [Sounds > Firearms] and renamed various old ones
Modified various sound effects and volumes
Randomized bullet-alive and bullet-wall sound volumes, and made it so they can't stack
Randomized ricochet volumes

Modified save history to contain up to 20 saves
Modified Drag Tool to have a minimum force (to make dragging low weight items feel better)
Modified various tool tooltips to include quick use information (e.g. Rotating with left/right arrow keys)
Modified Dark Sprite bites to deal more damage, and it not to destroy itself while feasting, and only after Duration otherwise (instead of randomly)
Fix hyping and transmuting kind of affecting walls
Fix doll joint Break Force always showing 20000 after saveload

[h3]MaD Lab[/h3]
Added randomAngle and randomSize to firearm functionality XML
Added inheritSettings for bullets to use the firearms' force/radius/duration
Added triggers::ExplodeAfterDuration
Added projectiles: pellet, arcanitybullet, grasper, knockoutbullet
Added effects: shock, emp, rust