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  2. News
  3. Roboquest - 1.2.1 Hotfix

Roboquest - 1.2.1 Hotfix

Hello Guardians!

We've just released a hotfix for the Arsenal update, v1.2.1.

Here are the list of changes for this hotfix:
• Removed instances of situations where you'd spawn within the ground in the basecamp
• Fixed a crash occurring when the client player would unlock the Sunglasses and get back to the basecamp
• Fixed a crash occurring when the host player starts the game right after their brobot has joined
• Fixed a crash occurring when a brobot would join while the host is generating fury points in the practice range as the Commando
• The Gorilla Bolter can no longer roll the Buckshot affix twice
• Not finishing Doom Gardens before the timer expires will no longer result in a end-screen showcasing a Crystal Powder gain
• Deactivated the difficulty selection while searching for a quickplay
• You can no longer be stuck with the pause menu open when combining several inputs in a row with the gamepad
• Fixed a bug with the Yoyo item not properly working
• The Transformer-Toy summon now properly appears for the other player when you pick it
• Fixed a bug with the Mini-Cricket not shooting exactly on your crosshair
• Fixed an issue with the Mini-Cricket not shooting at the usual maximum range for all weapons (50m) - its fall-off range is still at 12m
• If you added a perfumed affix to your unique weapon (Handgun, The Shovel or Buddy Bot), Smithing Ted will no longer remove it when upgrading it to Fantastic in the Oasis

That's it for the hotfix, happy robot smashing everyone!