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  3. Roboquest - the Arsenal Update is live!

Roboquest - the Arsenal Update is live!

Hello Guardians!

[h2]The Arsenal Update is now live and available![/h2]

The Arsenal update is free and is the first real content update of the year following our roadmap.

I wonder what could be in the Super update? Surely something super...

We've put together a video to give you a quick overview of the highlights of this update, find it here:

[h3]You may also read the highlights below or view the detailed list of changes here.[/h3]


Here are the highlights of the Arsenal update.

[h2]New Weapons[/h2]
We've added 9 brand new weapons to the game. Some of them are hommages to the things we love (and that fit Roboquest) and others are just designs we felt were missing.

Missile Battery - We had a minigun but we didn't have a ROCKET minigun.

Rapier - En garde!

Sling Gun - And the stone goes boom!

Minion Box - Raise my minions!

Mini Cricket - We liked that gun from a famous movie with aliens. Such boomer times.

Gauss Rifle - Pro Quake player, anyone?

Bee Cannon - A mysterious vacuum that shoots bees.

Boomerang - Whoosh in and whoosh out.

Shuriken - For all the robot-ninja mains out there (you know who I'm talking about).

[h2]New Friend Bots[/h2]
Two new friendly robots are coming!

Willy Wonder and Burger Bill.

Willy Wonder is a kind and swormy merchant who can upgrade your weapons' rarity (granting them access to more affixes) at the cost of Powercells. In addition, he also has access to all sorts of perfumes to grant 1 additional affix to your weapons.

Willy Wonder has to be unlocked through a Basecamp upgrade.

Look at that handsome fella!

The second one is Burger Bill.

He's been voted Employee of the month for more than a century now, so you'll be in good care with him.

Burger Bill doesn't do anything in particular for you. But he runs the Training Range.

Unfortunately, he's been missing recently and as a result the Training Range is closed!

Help find him! If not for him, do it at least so you can enjoy his company!

[h2]Training Range[/h2]
We added a Training Range in the Basecamp.

Initially, you only have access to Punching-Bot (to measure your DPS).

But once you've found Burger Bill, he will bring back its former glory to the Training Range and you will be granted access to:
• A Weapon Vending Machine to spawn any weapon you have the card of
• A Soda Machine to upgrade your weapon
• A Shooting Range with little dummy targets and a banger soundtrack

[h2]New Resource[/h2]
The Crystal Powder is a new resource that can only be found at the end of Corrupted Levels you've already completed.

Upgrading a weapon from Epic to Fantastic at Willy Wonder's shop will require a Crystal Powder.

We hope that this addition will give incentive to update your route when progressing through the game, effectively promoting a more varied game experience.

[h2]New Build[/h2]
We've implemented a new keyword in this update: Summon.

Various effects in the game now directly reference Summon and the action of "Summoning".

That means that you now have options to opt-into builds that directly reinforce and grant new bonuses to your army of minions!

In addition, all the multiplayer-only items now trigger off your wonderful "summons".

[h2]Quality of Life[/h2]
Finally we added a bunch of new options to toggle certain UI elements and other quality of life changes.

And that's it for the highlights of this patch!

If you want to read the full patch-note, head over there.

The Arsenal Update is live and available now so we hope you're ready to kick some metal ass!